World news story


The Acting Governor, Anya Williams, chaired the 11th meeting of Cabinet on 15 April 2015 at the Hilly Ewing Building, Providenciales.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
TCI Cabinet Meeting

TCI Cabinet Meeting

All Ministers were present.

At this meeting Cabinet:

  • Received a presentation from the Ministry of Tourism, Environment, Culture and Heritage setting out proposed revisions to the National Parks Ordinance. The revisions follow a review of the protected areas undertaken by the National Parks Committee. Cabinet reviewed the revisions and made recommendations for inclusion in a National Parks Order. The matter will return to Cabinet in due course for further consideration at which point it will be released for public consultation;

  • Received an update from the Minister of Border Control and Labour on the migration of British passport issuance to the UK. Printing of passports in the UK will commence in June 2015. The Ministry will issue a press release to inform the general public about the new arrangements in due course;

  • Advised Her Excellency, the Acting Governor, to approve the following appointments to the Turks and Caicos Islands Community College Board of Governors in accordance with Section 4 of the Community College Ordinance 2009; Deveraux Malcolm (Chairman), Keno Forbes (Deputy Chairman), Rendono Williams (Member), Elwood Harvey (Member), Sharon Simons (Member), Principal TCICC (Member), Mary Lightbourne (Secretary), Permanent Secretary Education (Ex- Officio), Permanent Secretary Finance (Ex-Officio);

  • Advised Her Excellency, the Acting Governor, to approve the following appointments to the Education Advisory Committee in accordance with Section 8 of the Education Ordinance 1998; Thashena Adderley (Chairman), Renanldo Forbes (Deputy Chairman), Daphny Williams (Member), Cereocia Pratt (Member), Tamera Robinson (Member), Georgina Been (Member), Garde Alleyne (Secretary), Permanent Secretary Education (Ex-Officio), Chairman TCICC Board of Governors (Ex-Officio);

  • Advised Her Excellency, the Acting Governor, to approve the following appointments to the Higher Education Advisory Board in accordance with Section 14 of the Universities, Colleges, and Training Institutes Ordinance; Elry Lightbourne (Chairman), Sonia Williams (Deputy Chairman), Jerry Clerveaux (Member), Nadene Harvey (Member), Jennifer Glinton (Member), Mary Lightbourne (Secretary), Permanent Secretary Education (Ex-Officio), President TCICC (Ex-Officio);

  • Advised Her Excellency, the Acting Governor to approve the appointment of the following members to the Fisheries Advisory Committee in accordance with Part V of the Fisheries Protection Ordinance; Director DEMA (Chairman), Franklyn Lockhart (Member), Kingsley Been (Member), Doreen Cox (Member), Philip Robinson (Member), Samuel Been (Member);

  • Advised Her Excellency, the Acting Governor, to approve the following appointments to the respective Caicos District Boards;

Middle Caicos District - District Commissioner (Ex-Officio), Ernest Forbes (Chairman), Ilona Smith (Member), Garnett Outten (Member), Evan Williams (Member), Brenda Harvey (Member), Cabrine Harvey (Member), Veldon Robinson (Member), Supervisor Public Works (Ex-Officio), Police Officer (Ex-Officio), Environmental Health Officer (Ex-Officio), Clerical Officer to DC Middle Caicos (Secretary);

North Caicos District - District Commissioner (Ex-Officio), Celab Taylor (Chairman), Tueton Williams (Member), Lawrence (Mack) Campbell (Member), Melva Williams (Member), Norma Taylor (Member), Dorothy Gardiner (Member), Stephen Walkin (Member), Supervisor Public Works (Ex-Officio), Police Officer (Ex-Officio), Environmental Health Officer (Ex-Officio), Clerical Officer DC North Caicos (Secretary);

South Caicos District - District Commissioner (Ex-Officio), Kathleen Durham (Chairperson), Alvin Parker (Member), Norman Cox (Member), Kenrick Hall (Member), Raquel Basden (Member), Patrice Thomas (Member), Wally Lewis (Member), Supervisor Public Works (Ex-Officio), Police Officer (Ex-Officio), Environmental Health Officer (Ex-Officio), Clerical Officer DC South Caicos (Secretary);

Salt Cay District - District Commissioner (Ex-Officio), Allan Dickenson (Member), Gladys Kennedy (Member), Holton Dickenson (Member), Maurice Simmons (Member), Patricia Simmons (Member), Candida Herwin (Member), Gary Lightbourne (Member), Supervisor Public Works (Ex-Officio), Police Officer (Ex-Officio), Environmental Health Officer (Ex-Officio), Clerical Officer DC Salt Cay (Secretary);

  • Advised Her Excellency, the Acting Governor, to approve the appointment of the following private sector members to the Board of Invest Turks and Caicos Islands; Anton Faesler (Chairman) and Tremmaine Swann-Harvey (Deputy Chairman). The appointments commence on the 1st April 2015 for a three year period;

Further information on these matters will be provided by Ministers in due course.

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Published 16 April 2015