World news story


His Excellency the Governor, Peter Beckingham, chaired the 32nd meeting of the Cabinet on Wednesday, 9th December 2015, held at the Hilly Ewing Building in Providenciales

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
TCI Cabinet Meeting

All Ministers were present except the Hon. Premier, the Hon Minister for Tourism, Environment, Heritage and Culture and the Hon. Minister of Home Affairs, Transportation and Communication. The Hon. Premier and the Hon. Minister for Tourism, Environment, Heritage and Culture participated via teleconference.

At this meeting Cabinet, advised His Excellency the Governor to:

  • Approve an increase to the scholarship awards to the United Kingdom in various categories noting that this increase was being approved as a result of the increased cost of living and exchange rates in the UK. Cabinet has agreed to utilise all of the remaining funds in the scholarship vote. It further agreed that a general review of the scholarship costs based on cost of living is to be undertaken and submitted to Cabinet for consideration;

  • Approve the recommendations of the Procurement Board in line with the Public Procurement Ordinance 2012 as it relates to contract No. TR 15/11 Repairs to Ports Authority Dock Office South Caicos;

  • Approve the recommendation of the Procurement Board in line with the Public Procurement Ordinance 2012 as it relates to contract No. 15/49 Temporary Repairs to Damaged Seawall Front Street Grand Turk;

  • Approve the recommendation of the Procurement Board in line with the Public Procurement Ordinance 2012 as it relates to contract No. 15/30 Vehicles for the DPP’s Office;

  • Approve the Political Activities (Amendment) Bill 2015 and the Elections (Amendment) Bill in preparation for the 2016 General Elections and for the said Bill to be forwarded to the next meeting of the House of Assembly for debate and passage. These amendments were recommended by the Elections Observer Mission during the November 9, 2012 General Elections and the Supervisor of Elections during the March 2013 by-elections. The amendments also tidy up some technical and typographical errors and to provide for procedures for independent candidates;

  • Approve the Food and Drug Bill/Regulations and for the said Bill to be forwarded to the next meeting of the House of Assembly for debate and passage; the purpose of the Bill is to protect the public against hazards and fraud in the sale and use of foods, drugs, cosmetic and medical devices;

  • Approve amendments to the Shore Club Development Agreement, subject to the provision of additional financial information being obtained.

Further information on these matters will be provided by Ministers in due course.

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Published 10 December 2015