World news story

NATO condemns terrorist attacks in Paris

In a statement issued on Monday 16 November, the North Atlantic Council strongly condemned Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
NATO staff observe a minute of silence

NATO staff observe a minute of silence

We have just held a minute of silence at NATO in memory of the victims of the barbaric terrorist attacks in Paris. Allies stand together with France in sorrow and solidarity. We condemn these attacks in the strongest terms. They were an attack on our core values of freedom, democracy and human rights.

We express our deepest condolences to the families of the victims. Our thoughts are also with the many who were wounded. We stand in strong solidarity with the government and the people of France in their unwavering determination to deal with the terrorist threat. We are all more than ever determined to counter and defeat the threat of terrorism and extremism. A number of Allies are already working with France on their ongoing operations and investigations in the wake of the attacks.

These attacks are meant to terrify, but they will only strengthen our resolve. Terrorism and extremism can never defeat democracy and our open societies.

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Published 17 November 2015