World news story

Minister for Europe meets Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot negotiators

David Lidington: UK strongly supports talks to reunify Cyprus

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Mr Lidington and Kuderat Ozersay, Turkish Cypriot Chief Negotiati

The Minister for Europe, David Lidington has invited the lead negotiators of the Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot communities to London. He met the Turkish Cypriot negotiator on 9 June and will meet the Greek Cypriot negotiator, Mr Andreas Mavroyiannis, on 12 June.

The invitations follow the resumption on 11 February 2014 of the UN-chaired negotiations to reunify Cyprus. The UK is a strong supporter of those talks, and uses regular dialogue with both parties to encourage them to intensify their efforts for the reunification of Cyprus.

Minister for Europe, David Lidington said:

I was pleased to welcome Mr Özersay to London today for discussions on Cyprus. The UK strongly supports the efforts of the two communities to reunify their island. This current opportunity must be seized to deliver a comprehensive settlement for the benefit of all Cypriots.

I encouraged Mr Özersay to redouble his efforts for peace, and I hope that both sides will negotiate all issues in good faith. I reiterated the UK’s support for the Turkish Cypriot community’s desire to take up their place in the European family through a settlement. The UK hopes that talks under UN auspices will make concrete progress before the summer.

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Published 10 June 2014