World news story

Lord Mayor to promote economic relationship with Indonesia

The Lord Mayor of the City of London visits Indonesia 19-21 May 2015.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
The Lord Mayor of the City of London Alderman Alan Yarrow

The Lord Mayor of the City of London Alderman Alan Yarrow

The Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman Alan Yarrow, is to lead a business delegation to Indonesia (19-21 May) helping to make sure London and the UK remain the regional partner of choice when it comes to financial and professional services.

Acting as ambassador for the UK’s financial and professional services, the Lord Mayor will be meeting with senior members of the government, investment authorities, regulators and business leaders. Themes for the visit include Islamic Finance, where the Lord Mayor will address a workshop on the topic on the UK’s expertise in this area, capital markets and Private Finance Initiatives.

As part of the tour South East Asia nations the Lord Mayor will also be visiting Singapore (21 – 23 May) and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (24 - 26 May), having already visited Sri Lanka (16-18 May).

Speaking ahead of his trip, Lord Mayor Yarrow, said:

With an economy that is a real engine for growth for the entirety of the ASEAN area, Indonesia is an incredibly important market for the UK. With so many exciting infrastructure projects in the pipeline, the City of London’s firms stand ready to support Indonesia with innovative financing models, capability studies and delivery of these plans.

Islamic Finance – and the potential partnerships between our two countries – is something I am also keen to talk about. It will be high on my agenda as I want to be able to show how in the Western world we are leaders in this sector in the international finance community.

Notes to editors

About the Lord Mayor of the City of London

  • The Lord Mayor is head of the Square Mile’s City of London authority for one year and the position is unpaid and apolitical. It is an exceptionally demanding role. The Lord Mayor spends some 90 days abroad and addresses some 10,000 people face-to-face each month (making around 800 speeches a year). The Lord Mayor represents City businesses and helps the City Corporation advise the Government of the day on what is needed to help the financial services sector to function well. The Lord Mayor frequently travels to represent the City; and travels overseas with the status of a Cabinet Minister. The Lord Mayor meets several international Heads of Government and Business each month to discuss financial services, often in conjunction with senior City business representatives. The Lord Mayor lives in the Mansion House for the Mayoral year.

  • On Wednesday 20 May, the Lord Mayor will be hosted by Aberdeen Asset Management for lunch discussion with major local banks and reinsurer, and by HSBC Bank for dinner discussion with the UK business leaders along with Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs. On Thursday 21 May, the Lord Mayor will be hosted by Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales for breakfast discussion with Commission XI (Finance) at House of Representatives. The discussions will look to encourage co-operation between UK and local firms, and promote financial and legal advisors for local firms.

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Published 20 May 2015