World news story

HMS Scott crew honour close links with Canadian port city

Ship's captain presents Halifax mayor with a special gift in recognition of her close relationship with the city and its naval base.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Commander Pat Mowatt presents Halifax Mayor Michael Savage with an HMS Scott crest. (Photo: Mayor of Halifax)

Commander Pat Mowatt presents Halifax Mayor Michael Savage with an HMS Scott crest. (Photo: Mayor of Halifax)

As part of her latest deployment, the HMS Scott visited the city of Halifax on Canada’s East Coast last week.

Although the HMS Scott has visited Halifax on numerous occasions over the past 15 years, this stopover was highlighted by a special ceremony to celebrate the strong ties which exist between the city, its naval base (Canadian Forces Base Halifax), and the Royal Navy.

For the ceremony the Commanding Officer of HMS Scott, Commander Pat Mowatt, welcomed Halifax Mayor Michael Savage and Rear Admiral John Newton, the Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy’s Atlantic Fleet, aboard.

During his time on HMS Scott Mayor Savage was presented with a crest from the ship in recognition of its close links with the city and took time to learn of HMS Scott’s work in the North Atlantic and the capabilities of the Royal Navy whilst offering the city’s continued support to any future visits.

Also present was Mark Dixon, President Babcock Canada. Headquartered in the UK, the company provides engineering support to the HMS Scott and the Royal Canadian Navy.

The link between the city and the Royal Navy stretches back hundreds of years from Captain Cook’s early surveys of the Nova Scotian coastline to Halifax-born Admiral Sir George Westphal’s brave actions alongside Lord Nelson during the Battle of Trafalgar to the important role the city played during the Battle of the Atlantic and more recently the Cold War.

“The Royal Canadian Navy and Royal Navy warships work closely together around the world protecting our two nations prosperity and security,” said Commander Mike O’Sullivan, Naval Adviser at the British High Commission in Ottawa. “These operations can only be successful through the mutual support provided to each other and HMS Scott’s successful visit to Halifax is continued testament to this most enduring of relationships.”

During her time in Halifax the HMS Scott also underwent essential maintenance which provided her crew with a short period of rest and recuperation following the previous month’s operations in unseasonably rough weather in the North Atlantic.

The fifth largest ship in the Royal Navy, HMS Scott is the Royal Navy’s only ocean survey vessel. She provides the Royal Navy with a deep bathymetric capability off the continental shelf which is important for navigating submarines safely around the world.

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Published 25 July 2013