World news story

Grand Turk prison staff receive FCO funded search training

Turks and Caicos Prison staff have benefitted from specialist search training provided by the UK’s HM Prison Service and the FCO.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
The team who completed the search training.

The team who completed the search training.

As part of the Grand Turk prison’s aim to improve security and provide professional development to its staff, they completed an intensive three day training course delivered by Mr. Adrian Northeast from Her Majesty Prison (UK) Prison Service College and funded by the FCO.

The modules were designed to train and deliver in the key components of searching strategies and core skills in searching techniques and equipment. The training has been implemented to ensure the principles of security and safety of both staff and prisoners.

The team of trained staff will support those who manage the daily operations of the prison and will also provide monthly training sessions to all grades in person and area search. The team has also been equipped with specific search tools to perform their function.

HM Prison will also be using Mr. Northeast’s skills to deliver Pro-social modeling sessions to staff. Superintendent of Prison Mr. Ian Sargent explained Pro-social training as a form of social engineering:

These sessions support the premise within forward thinking prison systems that in working with prisoners, staff must act in a professional and socially accepted way regardless of what demeanor is presented to them. This is in order to support socially accepted behavior with the hope that this behavior will be modeled by those we incarcerate.

Mr. Sargent noted that senior staff would also benefit from a refresher course in First-line Management.

Certification for the training was presented by Mr. Steve Fradley, Overseas Territories Prison Reform Coordinator. Mr. Adrian Northeast was funded by the FCO and is a national Prison Service college tutor in the UK. He has a vast experience in delivering training and development in the Caribbean.

The officers who participated were: Senior Officer Stanley Taylor, Officers Lerano Missick, George Coleman, Maurice Fraser, John Green, Wendy Williams, Leanne Harvey. The course ran from the 10th to the 12th February.

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Published 13 February 2014