World news story

British Embassy in Morocco marks International Human Rights Day

The British Embassy in Rabat celebrated Human Rights Day with two important events

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Rachid Fekkak, Journalist and Actor

The International Human Rights Day is celebrated across the world on 10 December to commemorate the adoption of the UN General Assembly’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December 1948. This year, the British Embassy in Morocco joined worldwide celebrations by contributing to the organisation of conferences on two major human rights issues: women’s rights and the abolition of the death penalty.

Nabila Benomar, PAM Party MP, and Omar Balafrej, President of Bouabid Foundation

The British Embassy has been providing support this year to the new Moroccan parliamentary network against the death penalty, which includes over 200 Moroccan law-makers and is the first network of its type in North Africa. On human rights day, the network held a seminar to discuss the role of parliaments in the abolition of the death penalty. As well as Moroccan parliamentarians, representatives of the parliaments of the UK, Tunisia, Mauritania and Jordan also participated in the discussion. Speaking at the opening of the seminar, British Deputy Head of Mission Alan Gogbashian expressed the UK’s strong support for the work of the Moroccan parliamentary network in the campaign for abolition of the death penalty in Morocco.

In partnership with a number of other embassies and with the Rabat School of Governance and Economy, the British Embassy organised a panel discussion entitled “Rights and Situation of Women in Morocco: What Role for Young People?”. The panel the current situation of women’s rights in Morocco, looking at progress made over recent years and at the various challenges still facing women today. The discussion was attended by 200 students, civil society representatives and members of the public, who all had the opportunity to ask questions and participate in the debate.

Nadia Bouras, Moroccan-Dutch Historian

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Published 11 December 2013