World news story

Brazil and Britain unite to promote Brazil in the United Kingdom

“Think Brazil” will be a great opportunity to strengthen bonds and showcase business possibilities between the two countries

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
Foto: Divulgação

May is set to be the Brazil month in the United Kingdom. During two weeks (10-19), the Brazilian Government, through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Embassy in London, and the British Government, through its network in Brazil of Consulates and the Embassy, will bring to London and other UK cities a programme full of cultural activities, business meetings and institutional encounters. The idea behind Think Brazil is to reinforce cooperation between governments, involving strategic partners from public and private sectors, to reassure their partnership and encourage business.

The 22 events (PDF, 134 KB, 1 page) will be focused on the areas of politics, economy, law, science, culture, education and business. Experts from different fields such as Oil and Gas, Financial Services and Higher Education, among others, will take place in seminars, debates and roundtables. They will happen in various locations of interest, like the Science Museum, King’s College, Oxford University, and, of course, the Brazilian Embassy in London, located near Trafalgar Square.

Governmental authorities, companies CEOs and leaders from the corporative world are expected to be present. Some of these representatives are scheduled to give speeches to a selected audience in each event, organised by the commercial and institutional sectors from the two diplomatic missions. The full programme will be available soon on both websites and social media channels from the countries’ Ministries of Foreign Affairs (Itamaraty and Foreign Commonwealth Office).

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Published 2 May 2017