Accredited official statistics

Statistics on Alcohol, England 2016

Latest alcohol compendia report signposting to all the up-to-date alcohol data. This date is provisional.


Statistics on Alcohol, England - 2016


This statistical report acts as a reference point for health issues relating to alcohol use and misuse, providing information obtained from a number of sources in a user-friendly format. It covers topics such as drinking habits and behaviours among adults (aged 16 and over) and school children (aged 11 to 15); drinking-related ill health and mortality; affordability of alcohol; alcohol-related admissions to hospital; and alcohol-related costs. The report contains previously published information and also includes additional new analyses.

The new analyses are mainly obtained from the Health and Social Care Information Centre’s (HSCIC) Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) system, and prescribing data. The report also includes up-to-date information on the latest alcohol related government policies and ambitions and contains links to further sources of useful information.

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Published 30 June 2016

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