Official Statistics

Numbers of Patients Registered at a GP Practice - October 2015

Data are reported by both quinary age and single year age band and gender at GP Practice level, Clinical Commissioning Group, NHS England Area Team and NHS England Region. We also publish this at Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) but not split by quinary ages. This is a quarterly snapshot taken from the GP Payments system maintained by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC).


Numbers of Patients Registered at a GP Practice October 2015


Data are extracted as a quarterly snapshot in time from the GP Payments system maintained by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). This release was extracted on 1 Oct 2015 so will cover the time period 1 April 2015 up to close of play on 30 September 2015. Since April 2014, geographical references have been taken from 2011 census information.

GP Practice level data are released in single year of age (SYOA) and 5-year age bands, both of which finish at 95+, split by gender and aggregated.

Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), NHS England Region and NHS England Commissioning Region level data are released in 5-year age bands which now finish at 95+, split by gender and aggregated.

For the above reports, the data for GP Practices with 100 or fewer registered patients have been suppressed due to possible identification of individuals when data are linked to other data sets.

Data for GP practices at Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) level are provided by gender but not by age bands so no suppression is required. An additional machine readable version is provided in practice/LSOA/totals format. Further information on LSOA is available via the link at the end of the page.

New Health Geography structure:

Please note that this publication reflects NHS England’s new health geography structure which became effective 1 April 2015: NHS England Area Teams have been replaced by NHS England Regions.

Furthermore, in addition to the 3-digit ODS codes, this report now includes the ONS 9-digit codes for each CCG, Region and Commissioning Region.

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Published 15 October 2015

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