Official Statistics

NHS friends & family test for staff, April to June 2015

FFT is a survey asking whether people would recommend the NHS service they have received to friends & family who need similar treatment or care.


NHS friends & family test for staff, April to June 2015


The Friends and Family Test (FFT) for patients is a single question survey which asks patients whether they would recommend the NHS service they have received to friends and family who need similar treatment or care. It was initially for providers of NHS funded acute services for inpatients (including independent sector organisations that provide acute NHS services) and patients discharged from A&E (type 1 & 2) from April 2013. As of 1st October 2013 the survey was extended to include women of any age who use NHS funded maternity services.

From April 2014 the Staff FFT was introduced to allow staff feedback on NHS Services based on recent experience. Staff are asked to respond to two questions. The ‘Care’ question asks how likely staff are to recommend the NHS services they work in to friends and family who need similar treatment or care. The ‘Work’ question asks how likely staff would be to recommend the NHS service they work in to friends and family as a place to work. Staff FFT is conducted on a quarterly basis (excluding Quarter 3 when the existing NHS Staff Survey takes place). For further guidance click here.

Since January 2015 the FFT was extended to capture feedback from GPs and NHS funded Community and Mental Health services. Further guidance on submissions (including the GP FFT Data Submission Query Form) can be found by clicking here.

An assessment of the extent to which production of these statistics complies with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics is planned to start in 2015.

Official statistics are produced impartially and free from any political influence.

Published 27 August 2015