Official Statistics

NHS Continuing Healthcare Activity - England, Quarter 3, 2016 to 2017

NHS Continuing Healthcare Activity Statistics for England by CCG. This has been delayed from March 2017 for operational reasons.


NHS Continuing Healthcare Activity - England, Quarter 3, 2016-17


From Quarter 3 2016-17 onwards, NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) data will no longer be collected by NHS Digital. Instead, NHS Digital will publish the NHS CHC data collected by NHS England. The following changes will be made to the NHS Digital NHS CHC activity statistics publication:

The number of fast-track applications will be included

The written report will be reformatted as a one-page document, with accompanying technical information in a separate annex

No amendments to previous quarters’ data will be made

Population figures as at the end of the reporting period will be used, instead of population figures as at the start of the reporting period

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Published 20 April 2017

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