Official Statistics

Duration on working-age benefits: May 2014

Statistics on the length of time that claimants received working-age benefits up to 31 March 2013.



These statistics examine the total duration claimants spent in receipt of 1 or more of the main DWP working-age benefits up to 31 March 2013.

The main points from the latest release are:

  • on 31 March 2013, 8% of the working-age population had been claiming working-age benefits for at least 3 out of the previous 4 years

  • On 31 March 2013, 4% of the working-age population were claiming Jobseekers’ Allowance (JSA), Employment Support Allowance Assessment Phase (ESA AP), Employment Support Allowance Work Related Activity Group (ESA WRAG) or Income Support for Lone Parents (ISLP) and had been claiming working-age benefits for at least 3 out of the previous 4 years.

Coverage: Great Britain

Next release date: April 2015

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Published 1 May 2014

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