Official Statistics

Charitable Giving Indicators 2012/13

Charitable Giving Indicators details charitable giving and grant in aid received by DCMS funded cultural Institutions


Charitable giving publication 2012/13

Charitable giving publication 2012/13


This report contains the total amount of charitable giving received by DCMS-funded cultural institutions, and also presents this charitable giving as a ratio of grant-in-aid. These are DCMS impact and input indicators respectively.

  • Released:

21 November 2013

  • Period covered:


  • Next release date:

Autumn 2014

  • Summary

These statistics are derived from the submissions and statutory accounts of Arts Council England, British Film Institute, British Library, English Heritage, DCMS and the National Museums and Galleries. The data source used for the Arts Council England’s National Portfolio Organisations (NPO) (formerly known as Regularly Funded Organisations) is based on the NPO annual submission.

  • Main report

  • Table

This table provides an individual breakdown of charitable giving for each cultural institution DCMS Funds.

  • Performance Indicators

DCMS performance Indicators

  • The UK Statistics Authority

This release is published in accordance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics (2009), as produced by the UK Statistics Authority (UKSA). The UKSA has the overall objective of promoting and safeguarding the production and publication of official statistics that serve the public good. It monitors and reports on all official statistics, and promotes good practice in this area.

  • Alternative Format

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Published 21 November 2013