Official Statistics

Excess under 75 mortality rates in adults with serious mental illness - 2017 to 2019

This indicator is a measure of the extent to which adults with a serious mental illness (SMI) die younger than adults without a serious mental illness (nSMI).



This indicator is a measure of the extent to which adults with a serious mental illness (SMI) die younger than adults without a serious mental illness (nSMI). To measure premature mortality in adults diagnosed with serious mental illness (SMI). This indicator was put on hold in November 2016. The introduction of the new mental health services data set (MHSDS) meant that a new indicator methodology needed to be developed. The indicator was republished with new data in December 2020. The republished data uses a different methodology to the data published in 2016 and prior to this. As such, comparisons should not be made between the two. Legacy unique identifier: P01740

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Published 7 December 2021

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