
Statement by Edward Davey on the temporary suspension of the aviation EU ETS

Statement by Secretary of State Edward Davey on the temporary suspension of the aviation EU ETS

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
The Rt Hon Sir Edward Davey MP

Secretary of State Edward Davey said:

“The UK welcomes the progress made on Friday in the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and fully supports the establishment of a High Level Group. We hope that ICAO is able to build upon the current momentum to deliver a successful and ambitious outcome at the General Assembly.

“We welcome the Commissions proposed approach to “stop the clock”. It is right that ICAO are given more time to make progress on reaching a global deal on aviation emissions.

“We look forward to seeing a formal legislative proposal emerge from the Commission. Once we receive more detail, we will engage constructively to help secure a positive outcome as soon as possible.”

On the impact of this announcement on forthcoming UK auctions of EUAs:

“We will review forthcoming auctions once we receive more detailed information from the Commission on the substance of their proposal”.

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Published 12 November 2012