Written statement to Parliament

Statement by Edward Davey on the Energy Efficiency Directive

Edward Davey said: “I greatly welcome the agreement reached on the Energy Efficiency Directive and want to congratulate the Danish Presidency on their successful handling of a complex and rapidly mov...

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
The Rt Hon Sir Edward Davey MP

Edward Davey said:

“I greatly welcome the agreement reached on the Energy Efficiency Directive and want to congratulate the Danish Presidency on their successful handling of a complex and rapidly moving negotiation. 

The deal which has now been agreed is good for the UK and for the EU as a whole and maintains the EU’s position as a global leader in tackling climate change. 

It signals a step change in energy efficiency and for the first time sets legally binding energy saving targets, which at a time of economic challenge will help improve the EU’s competitiveness and boost growth. This Directive is also testament to how the EU can work together to tackle major challenges and make a difference.

The UK played a central role in not only brokering a deal but also increasing its ambition.  Our experience of our own energy efficiency policies has helped ensure that the Directive promotes practical and cost-effective action that will deliver real savings - and that it strikes the right balance between prescription and the flexibility necessary to allow for national circumstances and for innovative policy approaches.

The UK supported the move to ambitious binding energy saving targets throughout the negotiations and played a crucial role in defining this target so that progress can be clearly and effectively demonstrated. We have also worked hard to ensure that the target provides sufficient incentive for longer term measures that will continue to deliver into the future”.

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Published 14 June 2012