Written statement to Parliament

Reforming the heavy goods vehicle levy

Government consultation seeks industry views on how the HGV levy could be reformed when the current suspension ends as planned in July 2023.

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government
Trudy Harrison

My Noble Friend, the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport (Baroness Vere of Norbiton) has made the following Ministerial Statement.

Today (20 June 2022), the government is publishing a consultation on reforming the heavy goods vehicle (HGV) levy. The HGV levy has been suspended since 1 August 2020 to support the haulage sector and aid pandemic recovery efforts.

Today’s consultation seeks industry views on 2 ways in which the levy could be reformed when the suspension ends as planned on 31 July 2023.

Firstly, the government is considering reforming the HGV levy so that it is more reflective of the environmental performance of the vehicle. The levy would be restructured to be based on the weight of the vehicle, as an indicative proxy for carbon dioxide emissions.

If this reform were carried out, the majority of UK vehicles will pay less or the same than they did before the previous levy was suspended. The alternative would be to continue with the current structure and rates.

Secondly, the government is minded to reform the levy liability for foreign HGVs, such that they pay only when driving on major roads. This is to clarify that the levy design is unambiguously in line with the government’s international obligations.

The consultation will be published on the Department for Transport website and will run for 4 weeks.

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Published 20 June 2022