Transparency data

Underlying data for company insolvency statistics, England, Wales & Scotland, January 2012 to April 2024

The accompanying file contains a list of company insolvencies registered in England, Wales and Scotland between 1 January 2012 and 30 April 2024.

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales


Record-level data for England Wales and Scotland - Company Insolvency Statistics January 2012 to April 2024

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The accompanying file contains the underlying data for the Company Insolvency Statistics April 2024. It matches the record-level data provided alongside this publication, but also contains data for 2012 and 2013. It is based on data from Insolvency Service administrative systems for compulsory liquidations in England and Wales, and on Companies House data for all other insolvencies. In addition to the dataset, there is a metadata file to explain what each column contains. This data is provided for statistical purposes only. We can not guarantee that it is free from error and therefore should not be used to determine whether a particular company is insolvent.

Published 23 May 2024