Policy paper

Joint statement between Bulgaria and the UK on enhancing cooperation in combatting and preventing organised immigration crime

Published 15 November 2023

The Republic of Bulgaria and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, hereafter referred to collectively as the “Participants”:

  • having a long history of excellent relations, based on shared values and strong engagement on law enforcement cooperation
  • sharing the intention to deepen cooperation in pursuit of strengthening security, reducing organised immigration crime, preventing loss of life, and reducing pressure on migration and asylum systems in Bulgaria, the United Kingdom, and Europe more broadly
  • willing to cooperate closely, without prejudice to the comprehensive provisions of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) and the cooperation it affords, by using existing strong cooperation through Europol, Eurojust and other channels, such as INTERPOL and the respective liaison officers of each participant
  • aiming to continue and deepen their common interests in combatting and preventing organised immigration crime and reducing the risk to life
  • recognising the importance of and need for close bilateral law enforcement cooperation on security matters to protect the citizens of the Participants which respects their privacy, values, and interests
  • noting that this document is a joint statement, is not legally binding and does not create or confer rights, privileges or benefits or create legal commitments or obligations on the Participants or any person or party, private or public, including commitments under international law

Purpose and scope

1. This joint statement confirms the Participants’ intention to increase cooperation, within the framework of their national competence. It sets out the ways in which the Participants will bolster their cooperation in relation to organised immigration crime, and establishes bilateral mechanisms for identifying, discussing, and commencing joint action, as well as monitoring the impact of that joint action. This joint statement is not legally binding on the Participants.

2. This joint statement aims to:

a. Underpin the ways in which the Participants work together to target organised crime groups that are involved in organised immigration crime, their infrastructure, supply chains, resources, and enablers, as well as the proceeds of that crime.

b. Support collaborative efforts in the prevention, detection, and investigation of organised immigration crime that directly or indirectly impacts the Participants, as well as the application and enforcement of relevant conventions, processes, and laws – including, in respect for Bulgaria only, EU derived legislation – which are concerned with, or relate to, organised immigration crime and, where appropriate, prosecution of criminal offences.

3. This joint statement intends to form the basis of a joint programme of work to prevent and tackle organised immigration crime to be delivered by the Participants, but recognises that in order to effectively combat organised immigration crime, due emphasis also needs to be placed on its enablers. As such, the scope of cooperation between the Participants under this joint statement will include tackling the modes of payment, proceeds of crime, alternative banking systems, illicit cash, exploitation and any other direct or indirect enablers that facilitate organised immigration crime.


4. In accordance with this joint statement and their respective applicable laws, and fully using the possibilities of cooperation in the framework of the TCA, the Participants will:

a. Explore ways to intensify cooperation to combat and prevent organised immigration crime by increasing the volume and speed of sharing of law enforcement information via existing mechanisms, such as Europol, Eurojust and INTERPOL, and the respective liaison officers, etc., as well as exploring new ways for sharing of information and law enforcement alerts in accordance with the information sharing provisions in the TCA.

b. Design and deliver a programme of training and development opportunities, as well as explore opportunities for personnel exchange in the fields of security, law enforcement, border and migration management to meet shared goals to tackle organised immigration crime. This will see the Participants strengthen contacts between their respective law enforcement and border agencies, and support expert exchanges, to their mutual benefit.

c. Design and deliver capacity building projects. The Participants will work to enhance border security systems, as well as to support investigative and intelligence collection and techniques to identify and combat the underlying criminality behind organised immigration crime and root causes.

d. Share expertise and best practice on multi-agency working as a tool for tackling organised immigration crime and other related crimes. Cooperate more closely in relation to operational activity, with the aim of increasing information sharing and de-briefing relating to operations relevant to both Participants.


5. The Participants jointly will establish a structured multi-agency working group within a month of signing this joint statement to oversee its implementation. The working group will be responsible for advancing cooperation in the areas identified by this joint statement. They will identify and discuss areas for cooperation and, where appropriate, agree projects to be commenced. The working group will identify relevant success criteria and measures to evaluate the activity carried out under the auspices of the joint statement, and to assess its impact.

6. The Participants will designate officials who will be part of the working group, including a chair from both the UK and Bulgaria who will jointly chair meetings of the working group. The working group will meet at least quarterly and will include all relevant agencies from the UK and Bulgaria.

7. The Participants will exchange personal data in accordance with their respective legal frameworks and applicable international obligations, including the TCA.

8. The cooperation set out in this joint statement will commence on signature and this joint statement will be subject to regular review.

Signed in Kapitan Andreevo, on 13 November 2023, in duplicate in the Bulgarian and English languages, with each version equally valid.

For the Republic of Bulgaria

Kalin Stoyanov Minister of Interior

For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Robert Jenrick Minister for Immigration