Corporate report

Twenty-second meeting of the Libraries Taskforce

Published 11 March 2019

Meeting date: Tuesday 11 December 2018: 13:30 to 16:00

Location: Colliers Wood Library, 105 to 109 High Street, London SW19 2HR


  • Professor Steven Broomhead (Chair) - Chief Executive: Warrington Borough Council
  • Sheila Bennett - Head of Libraries Strategy & Delivery, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)
  • Dr. Neil Churchill - Director of Participation and Experience: NHS England
  • Jane Ellison - Head of Creative Partnerships, BBC
  • Mark Freeman - Libraries & Information Services Manager, Stockton Borough Council and President, Libraries Connected
  • Cllr. Peter Golds - Local Government Association: Culture, Tourism and Sport Board
  • Isobel Hunter - Chief Executive, Libraries Connected
  • Sophie Lancaster - Senior Manager, Libraries Taskforce, Arts Council England (ACE)
  • Charlotte Lane - Projects Lead, Libraries, DCMS
  • Clare Perkins - Director of the Knowledge and Intelligence Team, Public Health England (PHE)
  • Nick Poole - Chief Executive: The UK Library and Information Association (CILIP)
  • Iain Varah - Chief Executive, Vision Redbridge Culture and Leisure and member of Chief Culture and Leisure Officers Association
  • Liz White - Head of Strategy Development, British Library
  • Sue Williamson - Director, Libraries and Birmingham, ACE


  • Roly Keating - Chief Executive, British Library
  • Sue Wilkinson - Chief Executive, The Reading Agency
  • Cllr. Matthew Lee: Local Government Association: Culture, Tourism and Sport Board
  • Kate McGavin - Deputy Director, Arts, Libraries and Digital Culture, DCMS (jobshare)
  • Helen Williams - Deputy Director, Arts, Libraries and Digital Culture, DCMS (jobshare)
  • Sue Cook - Director, Children and Young People’s Services, Suffolk County Council
  • Felix Greaves - Deputy Director of Science, PHE

Also present

  • Jenna Birley - Governance and Business Support Officer, Libraries Taskforce, Arts Council England (minutes)
  • Fiona Davidson - Communications Manager, Libraries Taskforce, Arts Council England
  • Anthony Hopkins - Head of Library, Heritage and Adult Education Service, Merton Council (observing)
  • Sean Kelly - Regional Development Officer, Libraries Taskforce, Arts Council England
  • Katie Pekacar - meeting facilitator, Independent Mind

1. Welcome and introductions

Professor Steven Broomhead welcomed everyone to the meeting and outlined the purpose of the discussions to follow; to reflect on the work of the Taskforce to date and discuss objectives up to March 2020.

2. Review of Taskforce activities in 2018 and 15 month Action Plan

Professor Broomhead introduced the meeting facilitator, Katie Pekacar, who asked the members to reflect on the Libraries Taskforce Action Plan and on its success in meeting the goals set out within it.

Members discussed the action plan and noted:

  • the value in engaging non-library specific organisations such as the NHS, PHE and the BBC in the Taskforce which contributed to better advocacy for the library sector
  • the progress made towards a national vision for library service delivery and the role the Libraries Deliver: Ambition document had in articulating this vision to stakeholders
  • the progress made on the Libraries: Opportunities for Everyone innovation fund evaluation, the digital skills portfolio, and the masterclass programme
  • the research conducted into different models of operation in libraries across England
  • the completion of the transition of Taskforce administration from DCMS to the Arts Council

The Taskforce discussed what it wanted to achieve between January 2019 and March 2020 identifying several priorities on which it wanted to focus.

Members reflected on the challenge of creating a sustainable library sector, including different operational models and funding streams. They discussed finding and communicating the unique selling point of libraries and the potential of establishing an accreditation model to maintain a consistent, quality service.

Members were keen for the Taskforce to work proactively and felt it was well placed to lead the way nationally on resource and skill sharing in the library sector.

Members reflected on the need to build stronger relationships with local authorities and forge local partnerships. It was suggested that this could be achieved by examining successful models of delivery in order to share best practice and support the local development of library services.

The members discussed the need for a stronger evidence base on the public benefit of libraries to further assist with advocacy both nationally and locally. They felt this would also assist in building business cases for future funding opportunities.

Members reflected on the need to build stronger relationships with the sector’s existing partners, such as NHSE and PHE, but also to look at potential new national partners, such as those in Higher Education.

The Taskforce was keen to promote greater investment in library staff training and development. It felt staff should have the opportunity to gain transferrable skills and develop within the sector, particularly in regards to fundraising and business management. This would also assist in creating a more sustainable and consistent provision of services.

Members noted the importance of libraries being a trustworthy source of information for the general public and advocated the necessity of maintaining this integrity.

The Taskforce agreed that the project manager would work with the meeting facilitator to translate this discussion into attainable actions for the Taskforce’s next meeting.

3. Taskforce resourcing

The Taskforce noted allocated resourcing for Taskforce activity to March 2020 as presented in the associated paper.

The Taskforce emphasised the importance of transparency in its budget and were keen to encourage spending on the sector.

4. Long-term strategic thinking

The Taskforce discussed longer-term strategic thinking, with particular focus on outcomes that public libraries could contribute to, such as:

  • greater social mobility resulting in better connected communities
  • inclusive growth of the library sector and its services
  • greater advocacy of libraries as a good investment for the holistic health of communities.

Members noted the intention to continue working with NHS partners and felt libraries ought to feature in the NHS strategy. They felt this work could possibly be linked to life stages.

Members agreed with the principle of better resourcing libraries to help them deliver their services sustainably.

The Taskforce agreed that DCMS would share reflections on the presentation with the membership outside of the meeting, for the purpose of informing the development of the new action plan.

5. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising

Members noted the minutes of the Libraries Taskforce meeting (held in Orford Jubilee Hub, Warrington on 12 September 2018) and subsequently published on GOV.UK.

6. Taskforce Terms of Reference

Members noted the Terms of Reference.

7. Any other business

Sue Williamson asked the Taskforce to consider whether any other organisations ought to be approached to attend the Taskforce meetings.

The Taskforce agreed to feed back its thoughts on this to the Chair outside of the meeting.

It was noted that Jane Ellison would be stepping down from the Taskforce and that this was her final meeting. The members thanked her for her contribution and commented on her valuable participation over the years. It was also noted that Felix Greaves had stepped down from the Taskforce, and had been replaced by Clare Perkins. The members welcomed Clare and noted the helpful contributions Felix had made during his tenure.

8. Date and location of next meeting

The Taskforce noted that the next meeting would be held on 20 March 2019 at Leeds Central Library, Calverley St, Leeds, LS1 3AB.