FOI release

Statistics on Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)

A response to an external request asking for the number of Council Tax properties classified as HMOs.

This publication was withdrawn on

We have removed outdated reports from the disclosure log, particularly those of limited appeal to the general public. This includes releases from 2015 to 2019, which are not of wider public interest such as those in a very narrow geographical area or data which is now published elsewhere.


Council Tax: Stock of properties 2015

Council Tax: Banding of houses in multi occupation


This is the response to an external request for information seeking statistics on the number of Council Tax properties classified as HMOs.

Caseworkers use Group Codes 83 and 84 when they identify an HMO, captured as part of the property attributes on the VOA administrative database. The total counts for these are provided in the table below.

Group 83 Group 84 All HMOs
England and Wales 190 110 290

Source: VOA’s administrative database as at 30 September 2015


Group Code Brief description
83 Licensed HMO (or is part of)
84 Unlicensed HMO (or is part of)

Counts are rounded to the nearest 10 with counts of zero being reported as “0” and counts fewer than five reported as negligible and denoted by “-“. Totals may not sum due to rounding.

The VOA regularly publishes statistics relating to the Council Tax stock of properties, the most recent publication (providing CT stock of property statistics as at 31 March 2015) can be found above (Council Tax: Stock of properties 2015).

Guidance on how the VOA bands houses in multi occupation (HMO) can also be found above (Council Tax: Banding of houses in multi occupation).

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Published 9 November 2015

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