Policy paper

Starcross and Cockwood tidal defence scheme

Updated 4 May 2018


The Environment Agency is planning to reduce tidal flood risk to properties in Starcross and Cockwood. Once complete, the project is expected to reduce flood risk to over 600 properties. The project was accelerated as part of the March 2015 Budget announcement regarding England’s 6-year flood defence programme and was identified as one of the priority schemes detailed in the Exe Estuary Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy (EEFCRMS).

The coastal villages of Starcross and Cockwood lie on the west side of the Exe Estuary in Devon. The area has a long history of tidal flooding, dating back hundreds of years. With climate change resulting in an ever changing coastline and with predicted sea level rise, the Environment Agency is starting work on a tidal defence scheme for the area.

Areas identified

There are a number of areas within Starcross and Cockwood that have been identified as key flood routes. The Environment Agency is in the process of modifying 3 slipways in Starcross, and the northern and southern parts of Cockwood harbour as part of the flood defence work.

The areas identified can be viewed on Flickr.

Proposed timings and next steps

The Environment Agency gained funding approval for the project in August 2016. The designs for the scheme were finalised and successfully progressed through planning, with planning consent awarded in September 2017. Site work is well underway; a notice board in Cockwood displays updates on the work. Piling work has been completed and the northern slipway will be opened before the slipway at General’s Lane in Starcross is closed. Work at the Starcross Fishing and Cruising club is on hold currently whilst the Environment Agency investigates an underground structure there.


For further information email Martin.Davies1@environment-agency.gov.uk, Flood and Coastal Risk Management Adviser, or David.Hancock@environment-agency.gov.uk, Project Manager.