Policy paper

Solway Tweed FRMP: post-adoption statement

Updated 18 April 2023

Applies to England

Announcement of adoption of the Solway Tweed river basin district (RBD) flood risk management plan (FRMP).

Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004 (SI 2004 1633 (England) Regulation 16).

The adopted Solway Tweed river basin district flood risk management plan

The UK government adopted the Solway Tweed RBD FRMP on 12 December 2022.

The Environment Agency has worked together with lead local flood authorities and other risk management authorities to produce FRMPs.

FRMPs are strategic plans that set out how to manage flood risk in nationally identified flood risk areas for the period 2021-2027, and are statutory plans required by the Flood Risk Regulations 2009.

Statement of environmental particulars

The Environment Agency carried out a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) as part of the development of the FRMP. This ensured environmental effects were taken into account when developing the FRMP.

The SEA environmental report provides further information about the SEA and its findings. Please contact the Environment Agency National Customer Contact Centre to request a copy of the SEA environmental report.

The Environment Agency have prepared a statement of environmental particulars of the FRMP as required by the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004 (as amended).

The statement of environmental particulars sets out:

  • how we have integrated environmental considerations into the FRMP
  • how we have considered the findings of the SEA
  • how the opinions expressed in response to the consultation on the SEA environmental report have been considered
  • the reasons for selecting the FRMP as adopted
  • how we will monitor the likely significant environmental effects of implementing the FRMP

View an electronic copy

You can view an electronic copy of the adopted Solway Tweed RBD FRMP and statement of environmental particulars.

Please contact the Environment Agency National Customer Contact Centre to request a copy of the SEA environmental report and statement of environmental particulars via email.

View a paper copy

To arrange to view a paper copy of the Solway Tweed RBD FRMP, SEA environmental report and statement of environmental particulars please contact the Environment Agency national customer contact centre.