FOI release

SIA use of certain IT platforms

Published 5 October 2021

1. Request

  1. Does your organisation current have deployed or plan to deploy in the next 6 months the Kubernetes container technology?
  2. Does your organisation currently have deployed or plan to deploy in the next 6 months the Docker or Docker SWARM technology platform?
  3. Does your organisation currently have deployed or plan to deploy in the next 6 months the Rancher technology platform?
  4. Does your organisation currently have deployed or plan to deploy in the next 6 months the IBM Open Shift technology platform?
  5. Does your organisation currently have deployed or plan to deploy in the next 6 months the VMware Tanzu technology platform?

2. Response

I confirm that the SIA holds the information that you have requested and the response can be found below.

  1. No
  2. No
  3. No
  4. No
  5. No

[Reference: FOI 0279]