FOI release

SIA spending over £25,000 in the period May to July 2020

Published 19 August 2020

1. Request

I am looking for some assistance with your organisation’s spend/transparency data, available on the following weblink:

There appears to be no file available for the month of May 2020. Could you advise when the file will be made available to view online? Would it be possible for you to email me a copy of the May 2020 file please?

2. Response

I can confirm that we do hold the information you have requested.

Please see attached in response to your request, the following document:

  • SIA transparency report May to July 2020

We understand that our previous publications on SIA spending which had been forwarded to the Home Office, had some document formatting issue. The issue have since been resolved which means all future publications submitted to the Home Office will be uploaded and published in the usual manner.

[Reference: FOI 0223]