FOI release

SIA licences and licence holders by year: 2004 to 2009

Published 2 November 2021

1. Request

Please provide the following information:

  • number of active licences by year (as at the last day of the year) and by sector and by local authority (all UK) from 2004 to 2009
  • number of active licence holders by year (as at the last day of the year) by local authority (all UK) from 2004 to 2009

2. Response

I confirm that the SIA holds this information. Please find two spreadsheets containing the information you have requested.

Please be aware that for historical requests, the criteria is adjusted. Our current reporting normally looks at paid applications and we consider the payment date in our reporting. For historical counts, we have to consider the application made date. This means that direct comparisons cannot be made in respect of historical and current data reports.

[Reference: FOI 0290]