FOI release

SIA licence applicants with criminality over the last 12 months

Published 4 November 2022

1. Request

Please tell me:

  • how many personnel with convictions submitted SIA licence applications within the past year?
  • how many of those were denied an SIA licence?
  • how long the process was from application to decision?
  • the demographics – how many minorities, African descent, European descent and so on were denied/approved with a similar conviction [to the person making this request]?

2. Response

I can confirm that we hold the information that you have requested. Our response is below.

2.1 A. Applicants with criminal convictions

Please note we cannot report on the specific convictions. We can only report on whether the applicant has criminality or not.

The sources of criminality are: vetting sources, overseas criminality checks and self-declared criminality by the SIA licence applicant.

Applications made between 1 October 2021 and 30 September 2022 were checked. This check was also refreshed on 31 October 2022.

Total applications submitted with criminality = 13,656

2.2 B. Applicants with criminal convictions refused a licence

Of all of the applications submitted with criminality for the aforementioned time period as mentioned in part (a), those who were refused a licence were a total of 893 applicants. Please note that not all of these application refusals have been refused as a result of criminality.

2.3 C. Time from application to decision

Of all of those applicants referred to in part (a), the average working days until the last decision (whether to grant or refuse the licence application) was 17.4 days.

2.4 D. Demographics

Please see the attached spreadsheet wherein the information requested has been provided in a table format.

[Reference: FOI 0362]