FOI release

SIA contract for hosted cloud services

Updated 6 January 2023

1. Request

MDS Technologies Limited’s hosting contract [with the SIA] has expired. I would like to know whether this contract is still valid or replaced by any other supplier. If all the information besides the contract dates are the same, I am happy to just receive an update on the contract dates

2. Response

I can confirm that the SIA holds the information you have requested.

The MDS Technologies Limited hosting contract is no longer valid. The SIA let this contract expire in October 2022, after we informed MDS that we would be migrating our services away from UKCloud into Azure by June 2022. MDS was the company managing the service into UKCloud’s data centres. UKCloud went into liquidation last month and the risk of this happening is what triggered the SIA to migrate away from the MDS contract.

The SIA has no managed service. Azure is managed by the SIA which is a public cloud environment. The only relevant contract the SIA has is Microsoft Enterprise Licensing Agreement. This agreement covers cloud hosting. This contract expires on 31 March 2023.

[Reference: FOI 0373]