Corporate report

SIA business plan: 2024 to 2025

Published 24 May 2024

Chief Executive’s foreword

Michelle Russell, Chief Executive, SIA

This year is the second of three implementing our strategic plan ambitions. Public protection remains at the heart of everything we do and plan to do as a regulator.

More than ever, we are focused on changes that will deliver greater efficiency and effectiveness outcomes for us as a public body. We also remain mindful of the current economic climate, which is challenging for both individual security officers and businesses operating within the private security industry. Greater efficiency and effectiveness in turn helps deliver better public protection outcomes, as well as benefitting licence holders and applicants. The report of the independent public bodies review of the SIA – focussed on efficiencies – is due. As Chief Executive, I will take responsibility for ensuring we take forward agreed recommendations.

Progress during the year ahead will also be monitored by the SIA Board and the Home Office.

Ensuring delivery on our core statutory functions across all parts of the UK; licensing, approvals, compliance, inspection and enforcement – will continue to be our top priority, performance-wise. Alongside these, our key deliverables include timely progress on our two major change programmes: digital and data, and business approvals. Our digital and data transformation plans are key to improving productivity and unlocking efficiencies. Building on the public consultation results, the business approvals work will commence design on a new scheme for approving security businesses, ensuring it is fit for the future and improves standards.

Our work this year will only be possible through the hard work and commitment of all staff at the SIA. On behalf of Heather Baily, and all SIA Board members, I want to thank all our SIA staff as well as those in the industry and across partners for delivering on protecting the public.


This business plan confirms our drive and ambition to deliver the strategic direction we set out in our Strategic Plan 2023-26. We aim to build on our achievements in 2023-24, modifying our longer-term plans where appropriate, in response to the political, economic, social, technological and legal changes that have transpired since setting our strategic direction and plan in 2023. This plan for 2024-25 should be read in conjunction with that strategic plan.

During the period 2023-26, we will progress work under each of the six strategic themes set out in the strategic plan, alongside delivery of our statutory responsibilities.

The strategic themes are:

  • regulating effectively
  • regulating efficiently
  • improving individual standards
  • improving business standards
  • driving strategic partnerships
  • supporting our people

Under regulating effectively, we will focus on enhancing our capability to deal effectively with non-compliance through improved systematic triaging and assessment of concerns identified and reported, and the provision of feedback to those who have taken the time to report concerns. This will build trust and confidence in our responsiveness in public protection and the integrity of licensing. We will continue working with the Sports Ground Safety Authority to develop top-up training that enables qualified stewards to progress to qualified door supervisors.

To progress our plans under regulating efficiently, we will ensure our policies and procedures align with new requirements in the Procurement Bill 2023 and continue to deliver sustainable cost reductions by implementing and tracking our three-year efficiency plan, taking on board the recommendations from the public bodies review. This will contribute to the delivery of at least 5% savings on our resource expenditure over the three-year financial cycle (key performance indicator 2a). We will continue to work with the Government Property Agency to reduce our office space in London.

A key delivery mechanism for unlocking efficiencies is our work on data and digital systems and portals; 2024 will see significant progress on how we store and use our data, and enhancements to the systems and processes used in our work with security industry operators to the benefit of both internal users and the industry. Subject to capital funding, we will look to use the wider government One Login platform and undertake similar improvements to the systems and processes used in the licensing of individuals.

We take our responsibilities for effective and appropriate data management very seriously. We will continue to work on embedding a healthy data security and data management culture, including providing regular learning opportunities for our staff to maintain their awareness. We will build on cross-government liaison to share good practice and lessons learnt in other organisations.

We will be improving individual standards by updating top-up qualifications to include more safety critical content on spiking and updates on counter-terrorism. We will be taking forward our proposals with the Health and Safety Executive to changes to the first aid at work syllabus. We will continue working with the Home Office on its consideration of the changes to criminal records vetting for door supervision and close protection recommended by the independent review of the disclosure and barring regime. We also look forward to continuing to support the industry-led Skills Board in its evolution towards a self-sustaining entity through which skills standards for continuing professional development and specialisms are structured, launched and embedded across the industry.

The development of a new business approval scheme, a key part of our strategy, is the primary focus for improving business standards this year. In 2024-25, we will publish our response to the first public consultation on the new scheme and start work on detailed design, ready for further public consultation. Whilst the new scheme is under development, we will maintain the integrity of the existing scheme through its promotion with the industry and buyers, and through appropriate improvements. To this end, we will create guidance for the adoption of a standard on labour supply to the existing Approved Contractor Scheme.

Our strategic partnerships are a key enabler (and sometimes blocker due to competing pressures in the partnerships’ landscape) to our effectiveness and efficiency in discharging our regulatory responsibilities and making a contribution to wider government priorities. Specifically, we will work more closely with the UK qualification regulators and the qualification awarding organisations to address the issues identified with the consistency of quality of training and training delivery in security licence-linked qualifications. We will also continue to support reduction of violence against women and girls through our partnership work with the Safer Business Network and promotion of their welfare and vulnerability engagement learning for security operatives in the nighttime economy. We will optimise opportunities for more efficient and effective working and public protection outcomes by embedding some staff in partnership organisations.

Our established People Strategy directs our work on supporting our people. This work includes focusing on improving and developing management capability with targeted training on management skills, leadership and technical expertise. We will also develop our approach on reward and recognition and improve the core HR services including recruitment and the HR business partner approach. Flowing from our 2023 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, we have developed a three-year action plan and will continue to promote an inclusive culture and ensure the plan’s implementation in 2024-25. We will continue to support our staff networks, and these will be complimented by the introduction of an employee engagement forum.

More widely, we will focus on stakeholder activities which support delivery of our core statutory functions and business plan priorities in the most effective ways: through the Stakeholder Forum, our own special interest groups, in joint membership and cross-industry initiatives, meetings and visits to different security businesses and venues, meetings with enforcement and licensing partners, and subject matter experts. We will maximise opportunities to reach different and wide industry audiences and licence holders through speaking at and attending key industry events and conferences. This includes engagement with the Scottish Government and the Northern Ireland Department of Justice, recognising our remit as a UK-wide regulator.

We are clear that wider partnership work with the industry will primarily be focused on those areas of mutual interest agreed with the industry Stakeholder Forum that deliver the following public protection outcomes:

  • improved perception of the industry and public trust and confidence in it
  • a private security industry supported by good terms and conditions by both employers and buyers who recognise and pay for good security working to professional standards
  • private security as a valued career with an emphasis on skills development, continuous professional development and specialist training
  • a more inclusive private security industry, with a particular focus on encouraging more women into the industry

Alongside being clear on what we will do, we also place great emphasis on how we will do it. We continue in our efforts to develop a more inclusive culture where all our staff feel valued, differences are welcomed and celebrated, and inappropriate behaviours are recognised and dealt with. This approach to equality, diversity and inclusion is reflected in our values, which were developed by our staff.

Our values


We are confident in our approach, integrity, and independence. We enforce proportionately without fear or favour. We are not afraid to challenge.


We listen, and we continually strive to improve.

Efficient and Professional

We deliver increasing value for money every year. We recognise and enjoy success; we are brave by recognising poor performance or failure. We put it right, share the learning and move on to the next success.

Together, united

We are one team working with a common purpose. Everyone has value.

Our core regulatory functions and services

Our priority rightly remains delivery of our statutory responsibilities and core functions: licensing individuals and refusing those not fit to hold a licence, setting business standards through the approvals scheme, and ensuring compliance with and enforcement of the regulatory regime set out in the Private Security Industry Act 2001.

For 2024-25, we plan to undertake the following activities to fulfil our core responsibilities.

Licensing and Service Delivery

Licensing efficiency

Prepare for adoption of One Login, projected for 2025, to ensure a positive customer experience when it goes live.

Customer experience

Continue to improve our management of customer contact and the end-to-end customer experience throughout the licence application process. Explore the use of additional new contact channels, such as chatbot and live chat services to further improve the customer journey.

Criminality checks

Continue working with Disclosure Scotland on improvements to the criminal records checking process for licence applicants in Scotland. Develop a clearer understanding of the operational impact of Disclosure Scotland’s digitisation plans, which are expected to be implemented in 2025 for the standard criminality checks the SIA currently uses.

Business Standards

Improve business standards

Complete renewal of certification bodies delivering current assessment services for the ACS.

Audit recommendations

Implement recommendations from the audit carried out on our ACS processes to refresh and assure compliance with public sector equality duties.

Equality, diversity and inclusion in the industry

Continue to support the external EDI Forum led by industry trade bodies, so the regulator’s support and interface is channelled efficiently and effectively.

Engagement with the industry to improve standards

Through attending key industry events to supplement central communications on key regulatory and public protection messages and a programme of visits to businesses to enhance assurance of the ACS and improve our knowledge and understanding of different security settings.

Development of a new business approval scheme

An ongoing programme that will eventually supersede the existing ACS (see Improving Business Standards under strategic themes).

Individual Standards

Annual customer satisfaction

Deliver a renewed approach to testing and capturing customer satisfaction on our licensing service.

Training provider visits

We will continue to work with awarding organisations to improve assurance systems that detect, disrupt, and manage down the risk of training malpractice within assessment centres providing licence-linked qualifications.

Compliance and Inspections, Intelligence and Enforcement

Review current working practices and processes

Deliver consistency of approach across our inspections and enforcement work through the review and updating of polices, processes and guidance, and introduction of a new quality assurance capability – all of which will underpin minimum standards of investigation.


Deliver the first tranche of the Professionalising Investigation Programme level 1 to inspection and enforcement staff who do not have this, alongside other professional qualifications to ensure appropriate specialist expertise in our work.

Public safety

Jointly with our communications team, deliver two public safety campaigns aligned to the SIA Control Strategy priorities.

Corporate services and central governance

A range of corporate services facilitate and enable the delivery of our regulatory functions and services. These functions include human resources, legal, technology, finance, procurement, project management, knowledge and information management, data analysis, risk assurance, governance, policy, strategy and communications. These ensure the effective operation of the organisation and compliance with statutory requirements.

Corporate Services

External Communications Strategy

Implement year 2 of our three-year strategy to support delivery of both the Strategic Plan and the year 2 Business Plan to ensure we are communicating as effectively as possible with the public, industry and other stakeholders.

20th anniversary

Use this to promote the public protection benefits and achievements of a regulated industry and its contribution to public safety over the last 20 years.

Core people policies and HR controls

Ensure our core, most-used people policies are fit for purpose, focusing on core HR service provision and delivery of our People Strategy, including recent HR systems and recruitment changes.

SIA employee survey

Publish and act on the 2023 staff survey results. Celebrate what we are doing well, recognise areas where we are not so good, where we can make improvements to them and act promptly to do so, demonstrating our commitment to supporting our people to perform at the highest level and fulfil their potential.

Statutory and public bodies’ duties

Review our core processes to provide assurance on levels of compliance.

Public prosecutions internal audit

Act on the recommendations from the Government Internal Audit Agency’s audit.

Financial accounting

Upgrade accounting software to ensure the system is within technical support and facilitating delivery of core services.

Get Licensed

Ensure key core criteria guidance for applicants is updated, in line with expectations and the Regulators’ Code.

Strategy, Governance, Risk and Assurance

Improve quality and assurance

Introduction of a new project implementation framework across all areas of the SIA to improve management of projects, project assurance checks and reporting.

Board effectiveness review

Follow up on the external review undertaken in 2022-23 to ensure the actions taken based on the accepted recommendations have embedded improvements and conduct an internal assessment for 2024-25.

Public bodies review

Implement the accepted recommendations in the agreed timescales.

Senior leadership

Induct our new Non-Executive Directors, new Director of Licensing and Standards, and Boardroom Apprentice.

Cyber security

Secure accreditation from the National Cyber Security Centre’s Cyber Essentials Plus scheme, which helps organisations protect themselves against common cyber-attacks. This demonstrates our commitment to cyber security and the importance we accord to protecting the data we hold.

Functional standards

Progress the outstanding actions to achieve full compliance across all standards.


Project delivery

Introduce and train all project team members across the business in agile delivery methodology to support effective delivery of our major programmes.

Business continuity processes

Conduct a review through external facilitation, implement the accepted recommendations and test preparedness.

IT service improvement

Implement changes to improve service to internal customers and ensure they have the tools to do their job, including embedding improved asset management.

Information security

Implement measures to reduce the risk of accidental breaches involving personal data as identified from the cross-government review undertaken by the Government Security Group and the Central Digital and Data Office. Alongside this, implement an action plan to strengthen the information security culture across the SIA based on recommendations arising from our self-assessment against the National Cyber Security Centre Cyber Assessment Framework.

Key Statistics

This table sets out the demand we are expecting on volumes for 2024-25, covering both operational and corporate activities.

  • 3,860 licences revoked
  • 72 criminal investigation cases completed
  • 173,000 incoming paid licence applications
  • 1,250 intelligence items generated from SIA investigators and assessed
  • 5 Approved Contractor Scheme events held
  • 110 new Approved Contractor Scheme applications processed
  • 110,000 qualifications registered leading to 75,000 first time paid applications
  • 200,000 service requests handled
  • 135 Subject Access Requests completed
  • 1,700 appeals against licensing decisions
  • 50,000 calls handled
  • 12,000-17,500 licence decisions made each month
  • 732 complaints handled
  • 6,500 items of information and intelligence assessed from members of the public, private security industry, partners and SIA staff
  • 41 procurement campaigns completed
  • 3,600 licence checks
  • 116 recruitments
  • 840 compliance and intervention cases opened
  • 600 Approved Contractor Scheme annual returns and renewals processed
  • 100 Freedom of Information requests completed
  • 820 compliance and intervention cases closed
  • 66% licence applications processed requiring manual intervention
  • 600 venues inspected
  • 70,000 right to work checks conducted

Strategic themes

This section sets out our planned activities under each of our strategic themes, and how those activities contribute towards the outcomes we are seeking to achieve by the end of our strategic plan.

We have highlighted our key deliverables. These are the priority activities for 2024/25.

Regulating effectively

We will improve our effectiveness by focusing on improved public protection outcomes as we operate a robust, risk-based, licensing and compliance regime.

Actions to achieve the outcome – Year 2 (24/25)

Strategic outcome

Improved compliance and enforcement of the Private Security Industry Act: deterring, disrupting and sanctioning.

  • Develop a new efficient and effective case triage, prioritisation and allocation process which places an assessment of threat, risk and harm at its core. (Key deliverable)
  • Design and implement a new mechanism which supports structured feedback and contact with those reporting concerns at different stages of the compliance and investigative process to enhance trust and confidence in the SIA’s ability to protect the public through effective regulation. (Key deliverable)
  • Continue to work with Home Office colleagues on changes to investigatory powers to enable the SIA to better undertake inspection and investigations work which protects the public from harm.
  • Increase the range and impact of non-judicial sanctions available to deal with lower order criminal offences.
  • Support inspections and enforcement activity to deter non-compliance by providing regular public and industry updates on inspection and enforcement results.

Strategic outcome

Better management of the interface between regulatory regimes on public protection, the risks they pose and the means of mitigating those risks.

  • Secure approval for top-up training for qualified sports stewards to progress to SIA licence holders. (Key deliverable)

Strategic outcome

Improved our understanding of the private security industry: the individuals and businesses within it.

  • Improve individual licence holder communications through better messaging with licence holder accounts and encourage more engagement with licence holders through the special interest group for front line licence holders.
  • Survey businesses through the Business Support team to identify areas for service improvement and enhance the insight gained from the annual customer satisfaction survey.

Strategic outcome

Improved licensing regime.

  • To develop new licence conditions to reduce the risk of unlawful activity from cash-in-hand payments to SIA operatives paid under agency arrangements.

Regulating Efficiently

We will provide value for money for licence holders by spending well and being efficient in discharging our responsibilities and delivering our purpose.

Actions to achieve the outcome – Year 2 (24/25)

Strategic outcome

Consistent, quality service availability and improved licensing

  • Incremental system improvements as part of the STeP backlog release schedule. (Key deliverable)

Strategic outcome

Sustainable, future-proofed technology and data systems underpinning the core licensing and compliance systems.

  • Common Data Platform: A new centralised internal system that maintains the security of data, whilst allowing our teams to access reports and acquire intelligence on those who work in the private security industry from different sources more easily and in real time. This will make us more efficient by allowing us to make more timely and informed decisions and act promptly to potential risks to public safety. (Key deliverable)
  • Organisational Portal: Build, test and launch a new customer-centric organisation portal that is both user friendly and reduces demand on SIA teams, enabling our service and the information we need from businesses to be provided more effectively and efficiently. (Key deliverable)
  • Organisational Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Design, test, and launch improvements to our customer relationship management internal systems, ensuring changes and software upgrades to the system can be made with limited disruption to the service. The result will better support our core compliance, ACS decisions, and inspection work, making it more efficient and effective. (Key deliverable)
  • People Portal: Subject to additional capital funding, design, test and launch a new customer-centric portal that is both user friendly and facilitates increased customer self-service. This will incorporate a move to government wide One Login for government services, to make online services easier for the user and ultimately more efficient. Improvements and changes must also be designed and planned for facilitating stage 2 One Authenticate on acceptable digital ID to support criminal records checking requirements on SIA applicants.
  • People Customer Relationship Management: Subject to additional capital funding, design, upgrade, test and launch a new and improved customer relationship management system for individuals applying for or renewing licences. Ensuring future product change requests and software upgrades to the system can be made with limited disruption to the service. This project also supports One Login, One Authenticate and Get Licensed requirements.

Strategic outcome

A budget position of no more than 3% either way, demonstrating a discipline of effective budget setting and management which incorporates delivery of efficiencies and passing on benefit to licence applicants.

  • Carry out a major revision of procurement policy and procedures, to incorporate the Procurement Bill 2023, due to become law in October 2024. (Key deliverable)
  • Implement the three-year efficiencies plan to counteract impact of end of £20 subsidy from historical surplus in 2026.
  • Reduce residual hard copy storage needs resulting in at least 10% reduction of storage costs by the end of the 2024-25 financial year.
  • Release further space in our London office through the Government Property Agency in line with phase 1 of the Estates Strategy.

Strategic outcome

Break even over the three-year financial cycle and minimise any increase to the licence fee as a result of the historical surplus rebate scheme ending in March 2026.

  • Review the licence fee in line with ‘Managing Public Money’ responsibilities, including preparatory work on a revised fees structure under the new business approval scheme.

Strategic outcome

Achievement of required compliance against the government’s functional standards.

  • Progress work on the ten outstanding actions related to functional standards on project delivery, human resources, finance and communication.

Improving Individual Standards

We will ensure entry training and behavioural standards keep pace with public expectations and support the private security industry in taking responsibility for improving standards further.

Actions to achieve the outcome – Year 2 (24/25)

Strategic outcome

Better public protection by ensuring updates to entry training standards we require for individuals are updated and implemented routinely.

  • Refresh top-up qualifications, to include additional content required on safety-critical issues. This includes spiking awareness and options for updated counter-terrorism training. (Key deliverable)
  • Deliver the Manchester Arena Inquiry Chapter 2 recommendation by working with the Health and Safety Executive to develop a new security-specific emergency first aid at work syllabus and the plan for introducing that training. (Key deliverable)

Strategic outcome

Improved public trust and confidence in the private security industry.

  • Support licence holders and the industry on maintaining the standards promoted during their training by: 1. developing and publishing guidance on core behaviours expected of SIA licence holders and reminders of key areas in the entry level training 2. publishing timely regulatory alerts for specific public safety incidents and events 3. developing creative and engaging content to remind licence holders and their employers of key elements of their public safety critical training 4. working with umbrella organisations to engage licence holders to uphold behaviour

  • Create online guidance on crowd control to help ensure licence holders have the knowledge and skills to carry out their duties and keep the public safe.
  • Work with the Home Office on their proposed changes to criminal records vetting for door supervision and close protection as recommended by the Home Office’s independent review of the disclosure and barring regime.

Strategic outcome

Greater industry proactivity and leadership to improve public safety standards after obtaining a licence; an industry that is pushing itself to be better than the basic entry level requirements set by its regulator.

  • Support the Skills Board in their design of the operating model for the National Skills Academy.

Strategic outcome

Greater industry proactivity and leadership to improve public safety standards after obtaining a licence; an industry that is pushing itself to be better than the basic entry level requirements set by its regulator.

  • Support the Skills Board to design and launch an industry career development mentoring scheme.

Improving Business Standards

We will work with the industry to improve the standards security businesses work to and promote the value of good standards in security provision.

Actions to achieve the outcome – Year 2 (24/25)

Strategic outcome

A greater proportion of the market is secured by those businesses that demonstrate the appropriate standards.

  • In line with the ACS Buyers Strategy, run a campaign promoting uptake of the current Approved Contractor Scheme amongst the private security industry with buyers. We will target specialist sectors including the nighttime economy, events, healthcare and construction, as well as insurers and local authorities.

Strategic outcome

Venues and other buyers recognise and prioritise supply by good quality security businesses in the SIA business approval scheme.

  • Create guidance for the adoption of a standard on labour supply in the current Approved Contractor Scheme. (Key deliverable)
  • Engage with buyers about the new business approval scheme to test support for the new scheme and include the levers that will encourage them to prioritise quality and public safety over cost.
  • Develop material about responsible buyers of security, that includes bespoke information for differing sectors, and good practice case studies such as local authorities.

Strategic outcome

Successful prosecution of non-compliant businesses and financial penalties deployed.

  • Undertake and highlight successful prosecution of non-compliant businesses in a timely and proportionate manner as a deterrent to encourage compliance.

Strategic outcome

Increased consistency and standards of service delivered by private security businesses.

Key milestones in the new business approval scheme programme (Key deliverables):

  • Develop and publish the response to the public consultation.
  • Design components ready for the second consultation: 1. businesses eligible for approval 2. types of approval 3. approval criteria and evidence required 4. assessment methodology

  • Support businesses to increase the consistency of service they provide through the provision of published guidance, best content, tools and engagement activities with a specific focus on spotting a fraudulent licence and corruption such as worker exploitation, low pay, tax evasion and organised crime.

Driving Strategic Partnerships

We will use our influence as a respected regulator and work jointly with key partners to secure compliance, drive higher standards and improved public confidence in private security provision.

Actions to achieve the outcome – Year 2 (24/25)

Strategic outcome

Improve integrity of the standards we set on training.

  • Work with Ofqual, Scottish Qualifications Authority and Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (Northern Ireland) to review security training quality arrangements and hold two events with awarding organisations to support their engagement with the review process. (Key deliverable)
  • Hold a summit with awarding organisations and training providers to set out the expectations of the SIA, qualification regulators and the public on the quality of training delivery, and to drive improved quality of training outcomes.

Strategic outcome

Increased ability to proactively detect and effectively disrupt non-compliance and poor standards as better information feeds result in successful SIA compliance actions.

  • Conduct the 2024 strategic assessment of threats faced within the security industry and share the results of the assessment with enforcement partners to enhance our partnership working and identify areas of common interest.

Strategic outcome

Improved understanding and effectiveness of industry in achieving compliance with regulatory regime (and so greater public confidence and reduced public harm from non-compliance).

  • Improve the quality and quantity of information feeds to SIA from the industry and other organisations that generate positive leads on non-compliance activity using a coverage assessment, intelligence collection plan and a new intelligence register.
  • Increase industry compliance and professionalism by sharing more positive stories of licensed, compliant, and professionally deployed security to encourage further compliance and positive conduct.

Strategic outcome

Improved understanding of the way in which the private security industry operates.

  • Conduct research to better understand industry supply lines and employment practice and required levels of English language in the industry.

Strategic outcome

Influenced the public protection agendas where private security industry plays a critical role, achieving appropriate authority within our remit (crime, violence, women and girls violence response, counter-terrorism).

  • Continue our proactive partnership with police, local authority licensing, relevant regulators and other partners on counter-terrorism and serious and organised crime agendas, through joint operational deployments, intelligence-led joint working with immigration enforcement and continued support for the serious organised crime initiative ‘Clear, Hold, Build’. (Key deliverable)
  • Supporting the government agenda on violence against women and girls and harm reduction by delivering and promoting welfare and vulnerability engagement (WAVE) e-learning and develop a new WAVE learning app or on-line training for licence holders, in partnership with the Safer Business Network.
  • Support public protection with two public safety related awareness campaigns on roles and actions of security, and link these to the events and festivals season and the autumn/winter festive season.

Supporting Our People

We will support our employees to give their best, perform at the highest level, continually improve their skills, and fulfil their potential to ensure that we meet our public protection aims and deliver high quality services.

Actions to achieve the outcome – Year 2 (24/25)

Strategic outcome

Turnover is maintained at a manageable level through effective workforce and succession planning.

  • Implement a strategic workforce plan to inform longer term planning and resourcing strategies.

Strategic outcome

A good leadership and line management cadre with the requisite knowledge and skills, supported by aspiring, motivated staff.

  • Roll out new management training programme to around 50 managers across the business. (Key deliverable)
  • Start work on devising pathway and supporting activities for aspiring managers based on management training rolled out.
  • Roll out of leadership training and leadership development activities.

Strategic outcome

Staff are aware of and compliant with the organisation’s code of conduct.

  • Launch of new code of conduct for staff and implement supporting awareness campaign and activities.

Strategic outcome

Employees are and feel fairly rewarded for their knowledge, experience and performance.

  • Continue to evolve the SIA’s pay and reward strategy for the future, working as required with the Home Office and the Cabinet Office.

Strategic outcome

An inclusive workforce, fully reflective of all the customers it serves, with improved employee satisfaction.

  • Establishment of an employee engagement forum. (Key deliverable)


We have developed this business plan based on assumptions about the availability and deployment of resources from our forecasted income. Our funding is generated from fees for licence applications and the voluntary Approved Contractor Scheme, except for a grant from the Home Office for capital expenditure.


Budget 2024-2025 SIA budget totals FY 24/25 – £,000s
Total income 32,434
Pay 21,293
Non-pay 12,568
Non-cash (depreciation) 1,170
Total expenditure 35,031
Surplus/deficit (including depreciation) (2,598)
Licence rebate scheme 3,278
Adjusted surplus/deficit (including depreciation) 680

Income 2024-25

Based on licensing volumes up to November 2023, we have forecast that around 173,000 licence applications will be processed in 2024-25 generating £30.1m.

We expect ACS membership to remain steady and so have forecast to receive a further £2.0m in relation to ACS fees. We also receive around £0.3m in bank interest.

Licence rebate scheme

Based on 173,000 licences we expect to draw down £3.278m from the historical surplus rebate scheme.

Expenditure 2024-25

As a result, we have set an expenditure budget for 2024-25 as £35.0m. There is an additional £1.2m relating to depreciation charges in the year.

Outcome 2024-25

This is year 2 of the three-year cycle and a surplus year required to subsidise the lower year volume year 3. We expect to generate a £0.7m surplus in 2023-24 so that together with the surplus from year 1 we will break even in the three-year cycle by 31 March 2026, as year three is a deficit year.

Our statutory fee remains at £204. This is based on charging £184 to meet the costs of the licence and using £20 per licence from the rebate scheme. An agreement under section 102 of the Finance (no 2) Act 1987 is in place which enables us to adopt this approach.

The assumptions underpinning our budget for 2024-25 consider the following:

  • Demand modelling is based on a three-year licensing cycle: the original three-year profile of income and expenditure assumed break even in year 1 followed by a surplus in year 2 and a deficit in year 3. This is year two of the three-year licensing cycle.
  • The licence fee of £204 continues to be part-funded by accumulated historical surpluses, exceptionally agreed by HM Treasury to be retained and drawn down over a six-year period, concluding in March 2026. This means applicants pay £184 at the point of application.
  • Licensing demand has been profiled to remain high during the year overall, based on continued pipeline, recent performance and licensing behaviours during 2023 and the apparently buoyant market demand. The estimate of 173,000 applications has been made based on a combination of previous average renewal behaviours for the corresponding period in the three-year cycle and new application rates in the latter half of the 2023-24 financial year.
  • Salary costs are based on an approved headcount position of no net increase.
  • Vacant posts profiled to include appropriate planning and lead time which accounts for recruitment lead time, continued staff turnover of no more than 15% and some unplanned repeat recruitment campaigns.
  • Home Office charged costs to the SIA for their policy and sponsorship services has been budgeted for no increase from 2023-24.
  • A capital delegation of £3.91m has been provisionally approved by the Home Office for 2024-25 against a bid of £5.9m.


The headcount for 2024-25 is set out below.

Directorate Posts
Licensing and Standards – Comprises Business Standards, Individual Standards, Licensing and Service Delivery 160
Inspections and Enforcement – comprises Comprises Compliance and Inspections, Criminal Investigations, Operational Support, Intelligence, Professional Standards 127
Corporate Services – comprises Communications, Finance and Procurement, Legal and Policy, People Services 57
Transformation – Comprises Corporate Information and Data Protection, Estates and Facilities, Technology and Digital Transformation, Programme and Projects 39
Chief Executive – Comprises the Board (including all executive and non- executive directors), Risk and Assurance, Strategy and Governance 33
Totals 416

Measuring performance against plan

Achievement of the plan and deliverables against the three-year strategic plan is the collective responsibility of the executive through the senior leadership team. This is made up of the Chief Executive, the executive directors and their direct reports, the heads of functional areas. Progress of specific deliverables will be regularly monitored by the relevant heads of function and individual directors, with directors escalating risks and areas of concern to other directors and the Chief Executive as necessary.

Material quarterly updates will be provided to the executive directors collectively and tracked at their formal meetings, chaired by the Chief Executive.

Performance against the plan will also be reported quarterly at board meetings. In addition, we will be held to account on this business plan and our performance by the Home Office, our sponsoring department, through regular engagement with the senior policy sponsor (director level), and quarterly meetings with the Home Office Sponsorship Unit. Our performance is reported to Parliament by the Minister responsible for the SIA, the Minister for Safeguarding.

We have established a set of key performance indicators to track progress against each strategic priority in the Strategic Plan 2023-26 and monitor key performance in our core functional activity and service delivery. These enable us to track progress against our plan and help us make informed decisions where those plans may need to be updated or refreshed.

For 2024-25, we have introduced two key performance indicators – see 11a and 11b below. These relate to the four key objectives in our 2023-2026 EDI Strategy, to:

  • embed an inclusive culture at the SIA where colleagues feel included, supported, and respected, and where we recognise and value difference
  • build and retain a diverse workforce across all levels of the SIA that reflects the public we serve, and where all colleagues are treated equitably
  • empower our managers and leaders to confidently role model and champion inclusive behaviours
  • increase our use of EDI data internally and externally and use this data to inform strategic decision-making
Strategic theme Key performance indicator Regularity Lead director(s)
1a Regulating Effectively Increase inspection activity by 20% from 2023-24 activity across the private security industry. Monthly Director of Inspections and Enforcement
1b Regulating Effectively Provide qualitative feedback to individuals or companies in 80% of compliance cases (unless being prosecuted, under criminal investigation or subject to subsequent compliance activity). Monthly Director of Inspections and Enforcement
1c Regulating Effectively Ensure 90% of businesses or controlling minds, issued with formal warnings, improvement notices or prosecuted, are re-assessed as compliant. Monthly Director of Inspections and Enforcement
2a Regulating Efficiently Evidence 5% or more savings to meet the planned expenditure across the three-year cycle. Monthly Director of Inspections and Enforcement
2b Regulating Efficiently Make annual efficiencies over a three-year period to minimise the impact of the rebate scheme which ends at the start of the 2026-27 financial year. Six monthly in years 1 and 2 Director of Transformation
3 Improving Individual Standards Reduce the average actions raised at unannounced visits to training providers to 4.0 in year one, 3.5 in year two and 3.0 in year three Quarterly Director of Licensing and Standards
4 Improving Business Standards 90% of eligible businesses re-register or renew their ACS approval Monthly Director of Licensing and Standards
5 Improving Business Standards 90% of the businesses on the annual list of top 65 UK security companies are ACS registered Quarterly Director of Licensing and Standards
6 Driving strategic partnerships Increase year-on-year public protection joint activity and outcomes with key partners, to reduce harm across the private security industry Quarterly Director of Inspections and Enforcement
7 Supporting our people Staff retention rates remain 85% or higher Monthly Director of Corporate Services
8a Core activity 85% of all complex individual licence application decisions are made within 25 working days. Monthly Director of Licensing and Standards
8b Core activity 90% of all simple individual licence applications decisions are made within 5 working days. Monthly Director of Licensing and Standards
9 Core activity 95% of decisions to suspend a licence are made within 3 working days from receipt of sufficient information to public protection outcome. Monthly Director of Inspections and Enforcement
10 Core activity Obtain a net promoter score of 50+ (“Excellent”) on our user satisfaction survey Quarterly Director of Licensing and Standards
11a Supporting Our People An overall increase in results of EDI and organisation values questions in the staff survey, seeking above 70% responses and improvement to 2022 baseline results. Quarterly Director of Corporate Services
11b Supporting Our People Improve EDI demographic disclosure rates for EDI data in our HR system – seeking comparable benchmark with other organisations – with over 70 % + completion rates. Quarterly Director of Corporate Services

Our strategic plan sets out success measures for each strategic theme and where we want to be by 2026. Besides these key performance indicators, we will use departmental performance indicators to gauge progress, alongside further research on public trust and confidence, customer satisfaction, industry surveys and tracking usage of the guidance provided on GOV.UK.

Strategic risks

Our risk management framework follows the principles of HM Government’s Orange Book. It provides for the identification and active management of risks in accordance with the Board’s risk appetite statement. It supports decision-making and the achievement of our aims and objectives. Our risk appetite was refreshed in 2023 to ensure it covers the main threats to delivery of the Strategic Plan and our core statutory functions as well as ensuring our risk tolerance is in line with the Board and public expectations. The new risk appetite statement now reflects this.

The routine monitoring of our risk management activities is the responsibility of our Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC) with the support of our risk and assurance team.

Processes exist for the escalation of risks within the organisation and to the Home Office where necessary. As well as at ARAC, the Board receives regular strategic risk updates at its quarterly board meetings. People related risks are scrutinised at People Committee. The discussion and review of risks is also integral to executive director and senior leadership team meetings. Due to the limits of our authority and remit there are some risks that we are unable to control or mitigate in isolation. In these circumstances we work with our partners to manage the risks as effectively as possible.

We remain alert to national and international cyber and information security risks. As part of the assurance work being progressed in this area, we are progressing our Cyber Essentials Certification followed by the Cyber Essentials Plus Badge with the National Cyber Security Centre.

We will continue to look for emerging risks across all business areas whilst managing existing risks. We will also continue to develop our risk register and risk management processes to build upon the improvements introduced last year which increased oversight in other risk areas, including directorate, cross directorate and projects.

Throughout 2024-2025 we will continue to focus on driving improvements where needed in the risk culture within the SIA and review the risks identified across all business areas, being alert to identifying new risks where they emerge and compliance checking the validity of mitigations. We will report independent findings from the Risk and Assurance function to our Chief Executive, full Board and through the Board’s Audit and Risk Assurance Committee. We will also focus on creating a robust issues management process alongside regular compliance checks against functional standard requirements that will feed into the management assurance framework created by the Risk and Assurance function.