Policy paper

Terms of reference: secure connected places external advisory group

Updated 8 August 2023

1. Terms of reference

(Revised June 2023)

1.1 Purpose

The Secure Connected Places External Advisory Group (“the Group”) brings together experts and experienced practitioners to inform the policy delivery of the objectives relating to the cyber security of connected places.

1.2 Scope

The responsibilities of the Group are to:

  • advise and inform the development of the DSIT-led programme on secure connected places;
  • provide insight on practical and delivery challenges in deploying secure connected places, to support DSIT’ programme;
  • provide insight on strategic issues and regional work relating to the security of connected places;
  • assist in the coordination of engagement and outreach with stakeholders, including those outside of the UK; and
  • help with the identification of examples of good practice, both in the UK and abroad

1.3 Role of the chairperson

The Group will be chaired independently by Prof. Greg Clark (Chair, Connected Places Catapult). The Chair will be provided with a briefing from DSIT officials, providing further information on the proposed discussions, in order to assist with their responsibilities.

1.4 Membership

Membership of the Group shall be on the invitation, and with the agreement of both DSIT and the Chairperson. Members will be selected for participation due to:

  • their relevant expertise and/or experience;
  • their ability to represent the interests of key stakeholder groups; and
  • their ability to provide insights into relevant technical or social issues

Where a member is unable to attend, they may, with the agreement of the Chair and DSIT, delegate attendance within their organisation. The secretariat of the Group will be available to meet with members following meetings of the Group to facilitate the opportunity for comment should this be appropriate.

Members of the Group will not be remunerated for their participation in the Group. All meetings will allow for both in-person and virtual attendance. Members who attend a Group meeting in-person will not be eligible for any expenses incurred to be repaid.

1.5 Conflicts of interest

Members of the Group should consider themselves independent from the central UK Government. Members must declare any actual or potential conflicts of interest with the Group before taking up their membership, and as they arise during the course of their membership. Members will also be asked to declare any actual or potential conflicts of interest at the start of every meeting of the Group. Actual or potential conflicts of interest must also be declared to the Chairperson and the Secretariat before any relevant item is discussed.

Whenever any actual or potential conflicts of interest are declared, the Chairperson, following consultation with the Secretariat, will decide whether the member should participate in the following discussion, and what mitigations can be taken. The Chairperson and the Secretariat reserve the right to determine what constitutes an actual or perceived conflict of interest, and whether these can be managed through declarations, recusals, or in rare circumstances, a temporary withdrawal of membership.

1.6 Secretariat

The DSIT Secure Connected Places team will provide the secretariat to the Group, and shall support the work of the Group in its work. Its responsibilities will include:

  • circulating the agenda and papers to members in advance of the meeting;
  • recording the minutes of the Group, and circulating these to the members for approval by correspondence or for consideration at the next meeting of the Group; and
  • acting as the primary point of contact between the members and DSIT.

1.7 Meetings

The Group will convene approximately every twelve weeks. There may also be additional sub-group meetings within this cycle where appropriate, and where this assists in achieving the objectives of the Group. Any attendance at sub-group meetings will be on a voluntary-basis depending on the interests and expertise of members.

DSIT and other government officials may attend the meetings of the Group to provide updates on their work, to present papers to inform the Group’s advice, or to observe.

Members are welcome to suggest potential topics for discussion during and in between meetings. Topics should ideally be communicated to the Secretariat prior to them being tabled for being a potential topic at a meeting. The discussion of these topics will be agreed by the secretariat and the Chairperson.

Agenda items will be supported by concise papers. These papers will be approved for distribution by the Secretariat and the Chairpersons, and circulated at least one week in advance of the meeting.

Minutes will be drafted by DSIT and circulated to all members within one week of the meeting. Members will be given the opportunity to approve the minutes by correspondence and at the next meeting of the Group. Meetings of the Group will take place under Chatham House rules, and so attendees should not expect their contributions to be ascribed to them in the formal record. The minutes will be published on gov.uk, alongside the membership list and Terms of Reference for the Group.

1.8 Permissions

Members will be asked to consent to the publication of the minutes, including the discussions that take place during meetings, and the membership list of the Group.

1.9 Review points

The Terms of Reference, membership and operation of the Group will be reviewed at regular intervals to ensure they remain appropriate.

The Chairperson will have ultimate approval of these terms of reference and of membership of the Group.