Policy paper

River Thames Scheme: environmental surveys

Published 20 April 2017


Extensive data collection has taken place within the River Thames Scheme study area over the last 4 years. The summer and autumn of 2015 represented the most intense period of data gathering to date, with a programme of data collection covering soil and ground investigations, topographical and bathymetric surveys, ground and gas water monitoring together with a range of ecological and habitat surveys.

Fish and aquatic plants were the focus of survey work in 2016, which is significantly contributing to the impact assessment work on the scheme.

Surveys in 2017

This is now the second year of this survey period and the surveys required include continued groundwater monitoring at a number of agreed locations together with a range of ecological, habitat and archaeological surveys.

The ecological surveys will be carried out over the spring and summer to ensure species are surveyed at the optimal time. A range of species will be targeted in these surveys, including bats (and their roosts), water voles, breeding birds, otter, great crested newts and other reptiles.

Bat roost and great crested newt surveys are being carried out in April 2017. These surveys will involve a team of ecologists assessing the suitability of trees and other structures for bat roosts and will generally be non-intrusive.

Archaeological surveys are planned to start in May 2017, and will involve magnetometry and geoarchaeological surveys. The results of these surveys will help identify targeted locations for trial trenches and, in late 2017, to evaluate archaeology. Boreholes and auger pits to assess ground conditions will be required in some locations so you may see construction equipment around the River Thames area.

All works are carried out under the supervision of either consultant engineers or a member of Environment Agency staff, in accordance with an agreed method statement.

If you would like more information about the surveys, please email the River Thames Scheme team: rts@environment-agency.gov.uk.