
Summary of business appointment applications - Ms Angela Ridgwell

Published 7 February 2018

Ms Ridgwell left her role as Director General, Finance and Corporate Services, at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy in January 2018.

1. Chief Executive Officer, Lancashire County Council

Ms Ridgwell sought the Committee’s advice about becoming the CEO at Lancashire County Council.

The Committee wrote to Ms Ridgwell’s former department, the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and noted with concern that the appointment was announced before the Committee had a chance to provide its advice. The Committee refused to give retrospective advice.

However, the Committee did wish to put into the public domain that:

  • Ms Ridgwell had confirmed she secured the appointment through a competitive interview process and described her role as being responsible for: the effective delivery and operations of the local Authority, in compliance with statutory responsibilities including Adult Social Care; Children’s Social Care; Highways and Transportation; and Strategic Planning.
  • She does not expect to have contact with Government in this role.
  • BEIS confirmed it has no relationship with LCC; that Ms Ridgwell had no official dealings with the Council whilst she was in office; and that she has no commercially sensitive information.

The Committee also drew attention to the normal restrictions it would impose - prohibiting the misuse of privileged information obtained while in public office and that it would expect Miss Ridgwell to refrain from making use, directly or indirectly, of privileged access derived from her time as a senior Crown servant.

The letter containing the Committee’s views was sent in December 2017.