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2023 Information for parents assessment results at the end of key stage 2

Updated 22 June 2023

Key stage 2 tests – year 6 pupils

Do you have a child in year 6 at primary school?

If so, they will have taken the key stage 2 (KS2) national curriculum tests, also known as SATs, in May.[1]

Your child’s teacher will also use what they have seen in the classroom to form teacher assessment judgements about your child’s progress and attainment.

[1] . There are some exceptions where pupils will not take the tests, as specified in the 2023 Key stage 2 assessment and reporting arrangements.

What information will I receive?

Before the end of the summer term, your child’s school will send you a report. The report will include test results and teacher assessment judgements as follows:

Subject Teacher assessment judgement Test result
English grammar, punctuation and spelling  
English reading  
English writing  

Together, these tests and assessments should provide you with a good sense of the standard at which your child is working in these subjects.

The report your child’s teacher produces will paint a full picture of their strengths.

If your child is working below the overall standard of the key stage, or they have special educational needs, reporting will be different. You should speak to your child’s teacher for more information.

How will the information be used?

The assessments are a way of making sure every child has mastered the basics when they leave primary education. The results help teachers to identify where children may need extra help or support as they move into year 7 and begin their secondary education.

Your child’s individual results, for both tests and teacher assessment judgements, will not be published by either your child’s school or the Department for Education (DfE).

However, school-level results of pupils’ attainment and progress are published on the DfE’s school performance tables website[2].

[2] .

Key stage 2 tests

The school will report your child’s test results as a scaled score for each subject. A scaled score is created from the number of marks your child scores in a particular test. We use scaled scores to report the results of these tests to ensure we can make accurate comparisons of performance over time. At KS2 the range of scaled scores is 80 to 120. A scaled score:

  • below 100 means that your child may need more support to help them reach the expected standard
  • of 100 or more means that your child is working at, or above, the expected standard for the key stage

Teacher assessment judgements

Your child’s teacher forms their judgements by assessing your child’s work against frameworks in English writing and science. For English writing, the judgement shows if a pupil is:

  • working towards the expected standard
  • working at the expected standard
  • working at greater depth within the expected standard

For science the judgement shows if a pupil:

  • has not met the expected standard
  • is working at the expected standard

Do not worry if your child is not working at the expected standard.

The results will help teachers identify where your child may need extra help. If you have any questions about your child’s results and what support they might need in secondary school, you should speak to their teacher.

Further information

Your child’s teacher will be able to answer any questions about the tests and teacher assessment judgements.

For more details you can also visit