
Reasonable Adjustments guide for Vetting Applicants

Published 15 November 2023

1. What kind of reasonable adjustments can I ask for?

Below is a list of adjustments that we have previously provided for applicants. This is not an exhaustive list so if you don’t see what you need, please don’t let that prevent you from letting us know your needs.

  • Changing the time or location of an interview
  • Providing the questions in written format during the interview (please note we cannot provide these in advance and you will not be able to take these with you following your interview)
  • Adapting/simplifying the question style
  • Providing a British Sign Language Interpreter
  • Additional breaks or breaks at specific times
  • Advice about assistive technology
  • More time to answer questions
  • Being accompanied to the interview, as long as the person is over 18 and doesn’t influence the interview in any way
  • Alternative format for guidance documents
  • Remove distractions from room/background
  • Techniques you need to employ to make yourself comfortable

2. Information which may help you to determine what reasonable adjustments you might need.

2.1 What is required from me on the day? 

The interview will last approximately 2-3 hours for Developed Vetting (DV) clearance and 5-6 hours for Enhanced Developed Vetting (EDV) clearance. You should make sure you have  ID including current passport(s) and other identity documents with you to show the Vetting Clearance Officer.

You do not need to prepare anything. All the questions you will be asked will refer to you and your life experiences. 

We ask you to answer questions as fully and accurately as you can and to be honest in your responses. 

2.2 What will the format of the interview be?

For DV clearance the interview will usually be carried out virtually and an EDV interview will take place face-to-face. 

2.3 Will there be level access to the interview room? 

We hold interviews in various locations, some of which have level access, please let us know if you require this and we can ensure to plan for this.

2.4 Will I be using a computer?

If your interview is being conducted virtually you will need to use your personal or workplace device. All the details for joining will be sent to you in advance. 

If your interview is being conducted face-to-face, you will not normally require a computer unless you need it for an adjustment.

2.5 How many people will be interviewing me?

Normally, there will only be yourself and the Vetting Clearance Officer (VCO) in the interview. However, on some occasions we may require someone else to be present for training or quality purposes. If this is the case, you will be informed in advance and if you have any questions or concerns about this they can be discussed with your VCO. You will always only be interviewed by one Vetting Clearance Officer. 

3. How do I request an adjustment?

If you require an adjustment please provide the following details to your VCO as soon as possible:

  • The reason you need an adjustment
  • What adjustment could help 
  • Any previous adjustments you have had which have been helpful (if applicable)

We want to work with you to remove any barriers for you, so please let us know your needs.