
PSN management information requirements for GCNSPs

Published 26 May 2015

The Cabinet Office’s contract, the DoU, with four telecommunications service providers to provision the Government Conveyance Network (GCN) places responsibilities on the GCN providers and the PSN team.

The PSN team is accountable for the governance of the GCN so has needs to monitor and, where necessary, intervene in respect of GCN performance. The PSN team monitors financial, operational and technical performance to be able to determine and resolve issues, such as:

  • unacceptable volumes of service incidents
  • failing to achieve the expected network quality of service
  • making changes which detrimentally impact customers operational performance

The GCNSPs are required to provide summary information to the PSN team in respect of incidents, problems and changes, and plans for continuous service improvement.

Technical Performance

The GCNSPs are required to provide information to the PSN team in respect of Quality of Service (QoS) against requirements for each Class of Service (CoS).


The GCNSPs are required to provide information to the PSN team in respect of actual GCN service pricing information, based on prices charged by the GCNSP to its DNSP customer(s).

Use this template for GCN MI reporting.

Read the full list of all GCNSP mangement information obligations for more information.