Police responses to the Consultation Paper on banning Offensive Weapons.
FOI 9169 We have received a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for the following: _ _ I was interested in obtaining…
FOI 9169
We have received a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for the following:
I was interested in obtaining the police responses to last year’s consultation on Offensive Weapons regarding a potential ban on Samurai Swords.
We released the following information on 3 April 2008:
These include responses from the Association of Chief Police Officers, the Police Federation and Nottinghamshire Police. We also received a response from a serving police officer but it was written in a personal capacity and not an official one so this was not included in the scope.
Date: Thu Apr 03 11:12:21 BST 2008
In response to a Freedom of Information request regarding the publication of the police responses to the Consultation Paper on Offensive Weapons in March 2007
In response to a Freedom of Information request regarding the publication of the police responses to the Consultation Paper on Offensive Weapons in March 2007.
In response to a Freedom of Information request regarding the publication of the police responses to the Consultation Paper on Offensive Weapons in March 2007