Corporate report

Core purpose and vision

Published 9 June 2022

We help the government to govern well, within the rule of law.

Our vision is to be:

  • an outstanding legal organisation, committed to the highest standards of service and professionalism

  • a brilliant place to work, where we can all thrive and fulfil our potential

Achieving this vision means:

  • everyone, whatever their role, taking pride in what we do and performing to the highest possible standards

  • demonstrating and building on our unique range of legal knowledge, expertise and understanding of government

  • delivering value for money legal services to clients

  • working together to achieve the best results

  • investing in the high-quality skills, tools and infrastructure we need

  • continually seeking opportunities to improve and innovate, including through new technology and smarter ways of working

For our people in particular it also means:

  • giving clear leadership and direction, continually developing the skills of leadership and management across the organisation

  • providing unrivalled opportunities for interesting, varied, high-quality, challenging work and careers in a professional environment

  • being an inclusive, engaging and motivating employer, valuing the diversity of our people and the range of talent and experience they bring

  • listening to our people and giving everyone the opportunity to challenge and contribute their ideas

  • ensuring our people are fairly rewarded for the work they do

  • proudly celebrating and rewarding our successes and achievements

Case Study: Kabul Evacuation

During Operation PITTING, the emergency evacuation of Kabul in August 2021, the GLD legal division, Home Office Legal Advisers (HOLA) worked with lawyers across government to support Her Majesty’s Government (HMG) in safely and lawfully airlifting thousands of people to safety, before deadline for the withdrawal of foreign troops on 31 August 2021.

Media coverage of the chaotic scenes at Kabul airport, including footage of individuals clinging to the underside of aircraft, demonstrated how difficult and desperate the situation was.

We supported operational and policy colleagues who were working round the clock to evacuate as many people as possible. Remote working was key to enabling the right legal support to be provided at the times needed.

Following the evacuation, HOLA, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), the Ministry of Defence, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC), Department for Work and Pensions, Department for Education and the GLD Litigation Group have continued to work in a truly collaborative way.

Operation Warm Welcome was set up in a fraction of the time it would usually take, due in no small part to the highly effective cross-Whitehall working within GLD, providing accommodation, access to benefits, jobs, language support and school places for the new arrivals. Sadly, many were not able to be evacuated and we continue to work together on litigation from a range of people seeking resettlement in the UK.

New Immigration Rules reflect cross-Whitehall policies on the future of resettlement for those who have worked for or alongside HMG in Afghanistan as interpreters and/or to further HMG’s military and national security objectives. The Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme is also now up and running, thanks to the combined efforts of legal teams across government.