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Overseas Territories: objectives 2019 to 2020

Published 19 September 2019

1. Overview

As set out in the UK’s Overseas Territories white paper, the UK has specific constitutional and legal responsibilities for its 14 Overseas Territories. This includes a responsibility to ensure their security and good governance, which we work on through a partnership approach based on shared values and a right to self-determination. As part of this work, and in support of our strategic objectives, the FCO is working to develop good governance, robust public financial management, sound economic planning, and effective crisis preparedness. This work helps to support objectives under the National Security and the UK Aid strategy.

2. FCO objectives on Overseas Territories

In the White Paper, the Government set out its strategy for working with its Overseas Territories. This focused on 3 practical policy goals:

  • to strengthen the engagement and interaction between the UK and the Territories
  • to work with the Territories to strengthen good governance arrangements, public financial management and economic planning, where this is necessary
  • to improve the quality and range of support available to the Territories

As part of this work, and specifically in support of goal 2, the FCO, working with the Overseas Territories, and with cross-Whitehall partners, seeks to improve security and governance standards and support the rule of law in the Overseas Territories governments.

3. Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Overseas Territories

The Overseas Territories programme is funded by a blend of Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) and non-ODA funds. ODA scoring within the programme is limited to ODA-eligible activities in the four ODA-eligible Territories.

Montserrat, St Helena, Tristan da Cunha, and the Pitcairn Islands are all Overseas Territories (OTs) which are eligible for Official Development Assistance. This ensures their governments can provide effective public services to their citizens as efficiently as possible. It helps us to work in cooperation with the four Overseas Territories governments to: reduce their dependency due to their remote locations, strengthen their economies, and support them to upskill their workforce to fill critical roles.

All 4 OTs are also vulnerable to financial instability and natural disasters. Official Development Assistance helps ensure physical access to the islands and essential services such as health and social care, education, transport and policing, as well as support for vulnerable people including the elderly, low-earners, physically and mentally disabled people, and children at risk of harm. This helps us contribute to advancement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in these four Overseas Territories.

The UK’s small and isolated Territories are vulnerable to natural disasters. The main threats to the Territories are hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis. There is also a risk of man-made disasters, in particular air and sea accidents and environmental disasters such as oil spills. As such, support to Montserrat, St Helena, Tristan da Cunha, and the Pitcairn Islands in their disaster preparedness is necessary to ensure they can respond well in the event of a crisis or natural disaster.

4. Overseas Territories project objectives

The FCO programme this year will concentrate on:

  • increased capacity so the Overseas Territories are better able to respond to, and recover from, a crisis or natural disaster

5. Overseas Territories programme during financial year 2018 to 2019

In financial year 2018 to 2019, this programme benefitted ODA-eligible OTs through contributions to multi-year programmes of work in disaster resilience. For example,

  • Montserrat now has more resilient infrastructure, effective planning and additional capacity to prepare for, respond to and recover from a natural disaster or crisis

6. Overseas territories programme budget for financial year 2019 to 2020

The ODA budget for the overseas territories programme is £200,000.