
Nuneham Railway Viaduct southern bridge abutment repairs 2023: river restriction notice

Published 4 May 2023

This notice was withdrawn on

River restriction no longer in force.


Friday 5 May to Monday 31 July 2023.


Abingdon reach, Nuneham Railway Viaduct.


Closure of southern arch of viaduct for boat user safety, and emergency construction works.

This restriction is for works to be taken under the south railway arch to facilitate bridge repairs, during the overall repair of the bridge abutment.

During this time there will be a restricted river under the southern arch of the railway bridge. Caution is to be taken by boat masters when travelling via northern arch route, as this will be two-way traffic, and masters must take note of any instructions given by staff as to navigation past this point.

A pontoon will be moved into position to enable works to be taken from beneath the railway bridge in the channel. This will completely obstruct the southern arch during works.

This construction and emergency work will be dependent on the current river conditions and may be carried out over various dates.

We apologise for any inconvenience these works cause and thank you for your patience during this time.