
Notification for contractual exmption of prohibited items supplied to Syria

Requirements as result of Syria sanctions (Council Regulation (EU) No 36/2012) - Form to claim exemption from prohibition on export of Annex VI and VII listed items

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This page has been withdrawn because it is out of date. You can read more about sanctions aginst Syria at:



Read more about sanctions on Syria, including details of how to claim a contractual exemption for the export of specific items.

The attached form and any extra documentation should be returned to: eco.oil&

The notification should be submitted to ECO at least 20 working days in advance of the date of transaction via email along with a copy or key excerpts of the relevant contract.

Notifications received will be confirmed by receipt and a response authorising qualifying contracts, or confirming that your contract does not qualify, will be sent within 20 working days.

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Published 21 November 2012

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