
Notice to exporters 2020/07: export control training courses cancelled

Published 20 March 2020

You will have seen the Prime Minister’s statement of 16 March stopping non-essential contact with others and all unnecessary travel in response to Coronavirus (COVID-19).

It is therefore with regret that we will be cancelling the export control training courses planned for April, May and June 2020, and reviewing future courses as the situation evolves.

Courses impacted

Course title Location Date Time
Making better licence applications London 19 March 9:30am to 1:30pm
Intermediate seminar London 22 April 9:30am to 4:45pm
Foundation workshop London 23 April 9:30am to 1pm
Licences workshop London 23 April 1:15pm to 4:45pm
Control list classification workshop London 5 May 9:30am to 5pm
Intermediate seminar Derby 13 May 9:30 to 5pm
Foundation workshop Derby 14 May 9:30 to 1pm
Licences workshop Derby 14 May 1:30pm to 5pm
Intermediate seminar Southampton 10 June 9:30am to 5pm
Foundation workshop Southampton 11 June 9:30am to 1pm
Licences workshop Southampton 11 June 1:30pm to 5pm

We understand the value you put on information and training on export controls and we are looking at alternative methods of delivering training. We will keep you informed.

Please look out for further notices to exporters about the training programme and visit Export Control Joint Unit for information on export control licensing.

In line with our cancellation policy, you will not be charged for courses booked and which we have cancelled.

Contact ECJU

General queries about strategic export licensing

Export Control Joint Unit
Department for Business and Trade
Old Admiralty Building
Admiralty Place


Telephone 020 7215 4594

More information on export controls is available on the ECJU pages of the GOV.UK website, also the SPIRE export licensing database.

This notice is for information only and has no force in law. If the information here applies to your business, we recommend you take appropriate action, including seeking legal advice if necessary.

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