FOI release

National Police Air Service

24398 We have received a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for the following:  Please release under the Freedom of Information…



We have received a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for the following: 

Please release under the Freedom of Information Act all unpublished (i.e.: not already in the public domain) copies of the impact assessments which informed the decision to replace localised police helicopter operations in England and Wales with the new National Police Air Service.

This should include but is not limited to any unpublished details of the impact of reducing the number of bases on police response times and any assessment of the risks to public health and safety as a result of the proposals.

Please search for information produced since 01 January 2009.



We released the following information on 20 November 2012.

Hard copies of the following documents were released -

  1. The Police Air Operations Review of National Strategy. 
  2. The Chief Constables Council Paper.
  3. Annex A.
  4. Proposal for a National Police Air Service.
  5. Appendix C.
  6. National Police Air Service Update.

To request paper copies of these documents, please telephone 020 7035 1029 quoting reference number 24398.

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Published 20 November 2012

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