FOI release

Money spent by the SIA on prosecution cases in the last 5 years

Published 12 December 2023

1. Request

Please can you tell me the amount of money the SIA has spent for the last 5 years on prosecuting cases? Could I please have that also include the amount spent on lawyers’ fees by the SIA each year on prosecutions?

2. Response

I can confirm that the SIA does hold this information.

2.1 Money spent on prosecutions in the last 5 years


2.2 Amount spent on lawyers’ fees in each year

Please note that the SIA has an internal legal services department which deal with all prosecutions. The below fees are in respect of the external legal services we have used over the past 5 years, such as Barristers Chambers.

Year External lawyer fees
2019-2020 £87,761.89
2020-2021 £29,707.27
2021-2022 £137,079.58
2022-2023 £108,207.03
2023-2024 £85,486.39

[Reference: FOI 0473]