
Modern Slavery Act 2015 review: terms of reference

Explains what the independent review of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 aims to do and also includes the background, structure and scope of the review.



The independent review of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 is being led by Rt Hon Frank Field MP, Rt Hon Maria Miller MP and Rt Hon Baroness Butler-Sloss.

The review’s purpose is to report on the operation and effectiveness of the act, which provides the legal framework for tackling modern slavery in the UK. It will also consider potential improvements to the act in order to ensure that it is fit for purpose now and in the future.

The following provisions of the act will be considered in the review:

  • section 3 on the meaning of exploitation
  • sections 8 to 10 on reparation orders
  • sections 40 to 44 on the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner
  • section 45 on the statutory defence
  • section 48 on independent child trafficking advocates
  • section 54 on transparency in supply chains

The reviewers will report on the evidence they gather and submit recommendations to the Home Secretary in March 2019.

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Published 17 August 2018

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