
MDP: governance and accountability

Updated 22 February 2018

Ministry of Defence Police (MDP) role

The Ministry of Defence (MOD) requirement for the MDP is based around the following defence priorities and desired outcomes:

  • the protection of defence people, assets, information and estate
  • the secure and uninterrupted operation of the UK nuclear deterrent
  • achieving success in overseas operations

To fulfil this role, the MDP provides a range of specialist policing capabilities at various sensitive MOD sites across the UK. These include Faslane and Coulport on the Clyde, the Atomic Weapons sites at Aldermaston and Burghfield, the Devonport Naval Base, Defence Munitions establishments and other key sites, including MOD Whitehall. In addition, the MDP provides services by arrangement to other government departments, US Visiting Forces and non-defence sites.

The MDP is required to maintain the following core capabilities:

  • Core Capability 1: armed nuclear security
  • Core Capability 2: territorial policing and security
  • Core Capability 3: intelligence gathering and analysis to support the efficient and effective deployment of MDP resources
  • Core Capability 4: the prevention, investigation and detection of fraud and corruption and the theft of or criminal damage to key defence equipment and assets
  • Core Capability 5: to provide specialist civil policing support to defence and other international policing commitments in support of UK government policy
  • Core Capability 6: to maintain specialist policing capabilities that can be deployed at short notice as part of the response to unforeseen requirements at defence establishments in the UK

Unlike most other police forces, the MDP has a national footprint, with officers stationed across the UK. It is highly specialised (being largely an armed force) and its capabilities are highly valued by other police forces and agencies.

MOD Police Committee

In its enforcement of the criminal law and to maintain the peace, the MDP operates independently of political or departmental control.

The MOD Police Committee is appointed by the Secretary of State for Defence and provides an independent scrutiny that the MDP is delivering policing services in accordance with the MDP Act. This assurance is provided in an annual report made to the Secretary of State. The Police Committee has an independent chair and membership comprises police advisers, independent members and senior MOD officials.

The Chief Constable is accountable to the MOD for the management, performance, resources and finance of the MDP.

MDP investigation of crime

The MOD has a requirement for dedicated MDP resources to be focused on the prevention and investigation of fraud, corruption and the theft of defence equipment and assets, the loss of which would have a significant impact on defence operational effectiveness, and the recovery of such equipment and assets.

The MDP Crime Command department works closely with the MOD’s Defence Fraud Team.

Crimes investigated by other police forces

The general responsibility for the maintenance and enforcement of the criminal law in the UK rests with local police forces. The MDP are often called upon to assist the local forces investigating serious defence related crimes by providing defence policing expertise. The relationship between the MDP, Home Office police forces and the forces in Northern Ireland and Scotland is governed by agreed protocols.

Anyone can report suspicions of theft or deception to the:

MOD Fraud hotline: 0800 161 3665.

Allegations are always treated seriously and, if appropriate, investigated by CID officers.

MDP Freedom of Information (FOI)

The Ministry of Defence Police has its own Freedom of Information team who deal with MDP related FOI requests.

For any direct requests for Freedom of Information regarding the MDP please email:

How to make a complaint against an MOD police officer

The MDP Professional Standards Department records and investigates public complaints against its police officers, and carries out investigations into matters of internal misconduct. The MDP is subject to the jurisdiction of the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC).

If you wish to make a formal complaint against an MDP officer, you should contact:

The Professional Standards Department
MOD Police HQ

Or by email to