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Migration Advisory Committee minutes, 14 April 2023

Updated 8 December 2023

Migration Advisory Committee
2nd Floor, Peel Building NE
2 Marsham Street

Minutes of the 162nd meeting of the Migration Advisory Committee

Friday 14 April 2023, 10am to 12:30pm

Hybrid conference


  • Professor Brian Bell
  • Professor Sergi Pardos-Prado
  • Madeleine Sumption
  • Professor Jo Swaffield
  • Della McVay
  • Toby Nutley
  • MAC Secretariat


  • Professor Dina Kiwan

Agenda item 1 – Welcome and introductions

  1. Brian Bell opened the meeting and welcomed the attendees.

Agenda item 2 – Home Office, MAC Secretariat and MAC updates

2. Della McVay provided an update on other government department interest in ongoing MAC work, including the major review of the Shortage Occupation List (SOL) and the launch of the inquiry into the Seasonal Worker visa. Della referenced the large package of immigration rules changes laid in Parliament in March, elements of which are now becoming live. Della highlighted the commencement of the Nationality and Borders Act and specifically the element of working on territorial waters. The Home Office are currently working towards Autumn rule changes which should include adding construction roles to the SOL as recommended by the MAC in its March 2023 report. Updated net migration figures are due to be released in May.

3. Toby Nutley provided an update on recruitment activity to fill gaps within the secretariat and committee. Toby highlighted that the Call for Evidence for the SOL review is live and provided an overview on responses received to date as well as a summary of stakeholder engagement planned relevant to the SOL review. Toby referenced conversations ongoing with Home Office Analysis and Insight regarding fiscal modelling.

4. Brian provided an update on a meeting he had with the Chair of the Independent Review into Labour Shortages in the Food Supply Chain, John Shropshire, in which they discussed the seasonal workers scheme. Brian commented on the SOL review stakeholder roundtables that have taken place to date and which he has been chairing. Brian notified the committee of a letter he has received from the Minister of State for Schools which included concerns regarding the remit and scope of the MAC’s current SOL commission.

Agenda item 3 – SOL review – skeleton report

5. The secretariat provided skeleton versions of 3 chapters that will be included in the SOL report, asking the committee questions on their structure, remit, as well as more technical questions on chapter contents. The secretariat agree to bring more substantive drafts to a future Committee meeting.

Agenda item 4 – Seasonal Work visa inquiry – skeleton report

6. The secretariat provided a run though of a skeleton report for the Seasonal Work visa inquiry the MAC are currently progressing, asking the committee questions on timelines, structure and remit. The committee agreed that this should be published as a standalone report and that it should be published after this year’s SOL report and annual report. A discussion also took place with regards to the type of stakeholder engagement that should be planned to inform this inquiry.

Agenda item 5 – Job vacancies evidence theme – scoping update

7. The secretariat provided a progress update on the job vacancies evidence theme currently being progressed, asking scoping and technical questions of the committee. The committee agreed that the scope of the paper should be expanded to include a migration element.

Agenda item 6 – Students evidence theme – scoping update

8. The secretariat provided a progress update on the students evidence theme currently being progressed, asking scoping questions of the committee.

Agenda item 7 – Improving geographical data evidence theme – scoping update

9. The secretariat provided a progress update on the improving geographical data evidence theme currently being progressed, asking scoping and technical questions of the committee.

Agenda item 8 – Quarterly stats pack

10. The secretariat presented the committee with a quarterly stats pack, covering data on employment, vacancies, wages and immigration trends. The committee provided comment on aspects of the data that could be clarified.

Agenda item 9 – Work plans, Gantt chart and risk register

11. The secretariat provided an update on current work plans within the Secretariat, including an insight into current risks and resourcing availability.

Agenda item 10 – AOB

12. None.