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Migration Advisory Committee minutes, 14 May 2021

Updated 5 July 2022

139th meeting of the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC)

Friday 14 May 2021 11am to 1:30pm

Video / Telephone Conference


  • Professor Brian Bell
  • Professor Dina Kiwan
  • Professor Sergi Pardos-Prado
  • Dr Jennifer Smith
  • Madeleine Sumption
  • Professor Jo Swaffield
  • Professor Jackline Wahba
  • Della McVay
  • MAC Secretariat

Agenda item 1 – Welcome and introductions

1. Brian opened the meeting. Brian welcomed Dina and Sergi to their first MAC meetings, whilst noting it was Jackie and Jennifer’s final meeting with the MAC. He noted their outstanding contributions in their time with the committee, wished them well in the future and hoped they would remain contributors to the MAC in their capacity as academics.

Agenda item 2 – Home Office, MAC secretariat and MAC updates

2. Della McVay provided an update on Home Office business. The team have been focussed on new migration routes such as the innovator and prestigious prize routes. There will be an updated migration policy statement published soon, with much of the focus on illegal/irregular migration. Della updated on progress with the social care commission, a draft is nearly ready to go to Ministers and will then be cleared across Government.

3. Toby Nutley provided an update on secretariat business. Toby confirmed the likely start dates for the new secretariat members based in the Devolved Nations. Recruitment for the research and economic teams is currently underway. Toby provided an update on the call for evidence for the ICT commission and some brief details of the ongoing research procurements.

Agenda item 3 – ICT stakeholder engagement update

4. The Secretariat gave the committee an update on the new events that had been held with stakeholders and the themes that emerged. Upcoming events were confirmed.

Agenda item 4 – ICT statistics update

5. The Secretariat provided an update on statistics for the ICT route as part of the ICT commission. This included looking at which sectors and occupations use the route.

Agenda item 5 – ICT fiscal impacts

6. The secretariat provided an overview of the fiscal impact proposal. The committee approved the analytical plan.

Agenda item 6 – ICT research topic guide

7. The Secretariat provided an update on the development of the topic guide and invited Committee members to suggest both further changes and areas of primary interest, with the aim of sending this final draft to the contractors.

Agenda item 7 – Project management in team, risks

8. The Secretariat provided an update on the approach to project management and risk management across the work of the MAC, particularly as there are multiple projects running concurrently. The committee approved the approach.

Agenda item 8 – Social care project plan

9. The Secretariat presented the project plan for the upcoming social care commission. The committee approved the plan.

Agenda item 9 – Social care stats background

10. The Secretariat provided an overview of statistics on the social care sector and labour market. The committee discussed additional questions and suggested further work.

Agenda item 10 – Social care policy options for routes

11. The Secretariat provided an overview of the potential arguments for a bespoke immigration route for social care and the evidence needs for this. The committee raised a few questions and suggested a way forward.

Agenda item 11 – AOB

12. No other business was raised. Jennifer and Jackie were again thanked for their contributions to the MAC.