Corporate report

Register of interests

Updated 20 September 2024

1. Professor Judith Aldridge

Professor of Criminology, University of Manchester

Declaration of interests

  • Advisor, the Staying Safe educational programme of alcohol and drug learning materials for UK university students (2022)
  • George Soros Visiting Chair, School of Public Policy, Central European University (2017)
  • Collaborator, Centre International de Criminologie Comparée (CICC), University of Montreal
  • Member of the International Society for the Study of Drug Policy, European Society of Criminology
  • Editorial Board, Addiction, Research and Theory; Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy
  • Advisory Board, Recovering Justice UK
  • Advisory work, European Commission, Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe, EMCDDA
  • Consultancy services provided to Release UK
  • Research funding received from:
    • UK Research Councils
    • Nuffield
    • Ministry of Justice (the Netherlands)
    • NESTA
    • Manchester City Council
    • Home Office
    • National Institute for Health Research

2. Dr Kostas Agath

Consultant Psychiatrist (addictions), Change Grow Live (CGL) Southwark

Declaration of interests

  • Former Financial Officer of the Executive of the Addictions Faculty (Royal College of Psychiatrists)
  • Former Financial Officer of the Executive of London Division (Royal College of Psychiatrists)
  • Former member of the Expert Advisory Group for Substance Misuse at the Care Quality Commission (CQC)
  • Former Lead Governor of the Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
  • Former Medical Director of Addaction

3. Professor Owen Bowden-Jones

Consultant psychiatrist, Central North West London NHS Foundation Trust and Honorary Professor, University College London

Declaration of interests

  • Clinical Lead, Club Drug Clinic Central North West London NHS Foundation Club Drug Clinic
  • Private medical practice
  • Research funding received from:
    • The Health Foundation
    • Trustee, Society for the Study of Addiction (SSA)
    • Board member, International Society for the Study of Emerging Drugs (ISSED)

4. Professor Anne Campbell

Lecturer in Social Work, Queens University Belfast

Declaration of interests

  • National Institute of Drug Abuse (US) Life time International Fellow
  • Member of the Treatment and Support Advisory Committee, Northern Ireland Department of Health
  • Member of the Northern Ireland Strategy Outcomes Writing Group for new Northern Ireland Policy on Alcohol and Drugs, Northern Ireland Department of Health
  • Co-Director of the Drug and Alcohol Network (DARN), Queens University Belfast
  • Board Member of Ascert, (Community Drug and Alcohol service provider in Northern Ireland)
  • Extern, (Community Drug and Alcohol service provider in Northern Ireland) Volunteer shift worker on the Street Injectors Support Service

5. Mohammed Fessal

Chief Pharmacist, Change Grow Live (CGL)

Declaration of interests

  • Research grants for studies relating to opioid addiction from Indivior and Ethypharm
  • Non Executive Director, West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAS)

6. Dr Emily Finch

Clinical Director of the Addictions Clinical Academic Group and Consultant Psychiatrist, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust

Declaration of interests

  • Joint chair of the London Joint Working Group (LJWG) on Hepatitis C which is part funded by Gilead Sciences, AbbVie and Merck Sharp & Dohme Limited (MSD)

7. Lawrence Gibbons

Former Head of Drug Threat (Intelligence Directorate, Commodities), National Crime Agency (NCA)

Declaration of interests


8. Professor Hilary Hamnett

Associate Professor in Forensic Science, University of Lincoln and Forensic Toxicologist

Declaration of interests


9. Professor Graeme Henderson

Professor of Pharmacology, University of Bristol

Declaration of interests

  • Trustee, the Bristol Drugs Project
  • Volunteer, Health and Harm Reduction Centre, Bristol Drugs Project
  • Research funding received from:
    • Medical Research Council (UK)
    • National Institute on Drug Addiction (USA)

10. Dr Carole Hunter

Pharmacy Advisor, part time, Alcohol and Drug Recovery Services (ADRS) NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Retired lead pharmacist ADRS.

Doping Control Officer, UK Antidoping

Declaration of interests

  • Fellow, Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS)
  • Former Member, RPS Medicines, Ethics and Practice Guide Advisory Panel
  • Former Chair, Scottish Specialist Pharmacists in Substance Use Group
  • Member, Police Scotland Drug Strategy Group
  • Royal Pharmaceutical Society representative, Drug Deaths Taskforce (Scotland) 2020-22
  • Member, Independent Expert Working Group, Drug Misuse and Dependence, UK Guidelines on Drug Misuse and Dependence (Orange Guidelines) 2017
  • Former member, Drug Strategy Delivery Group (Scotland)
  • Former Chair, National Naloxone Advisory Group (NNAG), Scotland
  • Board Chair Scottish Drugs Forum (SDF)

11. Professor Roger Knaggs

Associate Professor in Clinical Pharmacy Practice, University of Nottingham

Declaration of interests

  • Secondment from University of Nottingham to Primary Integrated Care Services to provide clinical services.
  • Honorary Secretary, British Pain Society (2016-2019)
  • Vice President, British Pain Society (2019-2022)
  • President, British Pain Society (2022-present)
  • Joint editor, British Journal of Pain
  • Member, Patient safety Controlled drugs subgroup, Care Quality Commission
  • Member, Medicines Advisory Group, Faculty of Pain Medicine
  • Group member, Pain management pharmacist group, UK Clinical Pharmacy Association
  • Media spokesperson on pain management, Royal Pharmaceutical Society
  • Research funding received from:
    • National Institute for Health Research (UK)
    • Mundipharma Research Ltd to support a PhD studentship (2016-2019) on opioid use

12. Harry Shapiro

Director, DrugWise

Declaration of interests

  • Former Director of Communications and Information for DrugScope
  • Secretariat for the All-Party Parliamentary Groups on Prescribed Drug Dependence
  • Member of the Opioid Painkiller Dependence Alliance

13. Dr Richard Stevenson

Emergency Medicine Consultant, Glasgow Royal Infirmary

Declaration of interests

  • Lead Medical Adviser for Clinical Governance for Police Scotland
  • Special Constable, British Transport Police,

14. Dr Paul Stokes

Reader in Mood Disorders and Psychopharmacology, King’s College London and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

Declaration of interests

  • Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists Academic Psychiatry executive committee
  • NIHR CRN South London Lead for Mental Health
  • Member of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Targeting Cognition and Chronobiology taskforces
  • Specialty Chief Editor for the Mood and Anxiety Disorders section of Frontiers in Psychiatry
  • Research funding and related expenses received from Medical Research Council, National Institute for Health Research, Corcept Therapeutics, H. Lundbeck, Frontiers in Psychiatry
  • Non-financial research support received from Janssen Research and Development LLC
  • Honoraria received from Indivior, Liva Nova, Allergan and Frontiers in Psychiatry for lecturing, consultancy and editorial work

15. Dr Ann Sullivan

Consultant Physician in HIV and sexual health and national co-lead for HIV Surveillance, Public Health England (PHE)

Declaration of interests

  • Honorary Secretary European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS)
  • Trustee, National AIDS Trust

16. Professor David Taylor

  • Director of Pharmacy and Pathology, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
  • Professor of Psychopharmacology, Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, King’s College, London
  • Honorary Professor, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience
  • Head of Pharmaceutical Sciences Clinical Academic Group, King’s Health Partners

Declaration of interests

  • Editor in Chief, Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology
  • Editorial board memberships (unpaid):
    • Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
    • Annals of General Psychiatry
    • CNS Drugs
    • Current Medical Research and Opinion
    • International Clinical psychopharmacology
    • International Journal of Clinical Practice
    • International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice
    • Journal of Psychopharmacology
    • Le Pharmacien Hospitalier et Clinicien
    • BJPsych Bulletin

17. Professor Simon Thomas

Emeritus Professor, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Newcastle University

Declaration of interests

  • Deputy Editor, Clinical Toxicology
  • Member, Ministry of Defence Advisory Group on Military and Emergency Response Medicine
  • Research funding received from;
    • DHSC - OHID
    • National Institute for Health Research
    • Ministry of Defence

18. Dr Derek Tracy

Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Director, West London NHS Trust, Senior Lecturer, King’s College London and Visiting Senior Lecturer, University College London

Declaration of interests

  • Editorial board and social media lead of the British Journal of Psychiatry
  • Executive member and quality improvement lead for the Academic Faculty of the Royal College of Psychiatrists
  • Member of the National Institute for Health Research Dissemination Centre Advisory Group

19. Rosalie Weetman

Public Health Lead (Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco), Derbyshire County Council

Declaration of interests

  • Former Independent complaints panel member for the Portman Group, which evaluates code of practice violations relating to alcohol packaging, promotions and marketing (ceased July 2021)
  • Former specialist advisor to the Health and Social Care Select Committee’s inquiry on drugs policy

20. Dr David Wood

Consultant Physician and Clinical Toxicologist, Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Trust and Honorary Reader, King’s College London

Declaration of interests

  • Expert advisor to:
    • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
    • European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
    • Trustee, Positive East
  • Funding/Grants received from:
    • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
    • European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
    • European Union
    • National Institute for Health Research
    • Researched Abuse, Diversion and Addiction-Related Surveillance (RADARS) system